“This Season’s For My Dad” | DJ Reed Media Availability | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Tom DeCrescenzo

Jets fans are with you DJ. All the love.

Chidi Tuke

Condolences to you and your family DJ!

Ed DiGiovanni

I had no problem with what DJ did after his beautiful INT…I thought initially it was for 9/11 but either way it was fine…it wasn’t too extravagant…he was one the best players on the field yesterday on BOTH sides


My condolences my man RIP. Lets turn this ship around bude

Johny P

Stay strong DJ, my condolences 💐

Mr. Goodenough

Condolences and respect to you young man.✌


losing a father is rough. I cant imagine the fortitude it took to take the field and play for your father and brothers on the team. Much respect for the teammate and player you are. My condolences

Kosher Kush

We are so lucky to have this dawg..
Condolences 💐

Chad Olsen

Condolences to you and your family. We’re cheering you on this season!

Ev G

Played so well… love this guy


Although I have never met you and knew very little about you before coming to the Jets, from everything I’ve seen in your pressers, your work ethic and your family based life, I know your father was and still is extremely proud of his son. I wish blessings on you and your entire family.

Shaun White

Hey Brother. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. So sorry for your loss. Continue to shine and be strong and be blessed. Will keep praying for you and the family. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

mojo jojo

I know what it’s like to lose a father…pray for your healing and recovery!

Rey Steffani

Deepest condolences to young blood DJ Reed. Hold your head

Avery Prince

My Condolences DJ Reed for sure!!


Please accept my heartfelt condolence of your father’s death. May his memory be eternal. Rest in power DJ Sr.

Serendipitous Slim

All love for DJ. Can’t imagine what a roller coaster of emotions it’s been for him this past week. To hear that news directly before exiting the tunnel and then to play the game he did is just unbelievable. Jets nation is rooting for you extra DJ. Condolences to you and your family ❤️

Rtw Rtw

Godspeed brother!!!

Vern Vern

We love you bro stay strong and keep balling out!!!

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