“They Got To Move It” | Baldy’s Breakdown: Jets Running Backs | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Leon S. Kennedy

They outrushed the Ravens, cool. But did they outplay them? No. I’m tired of these participation award stuff. I wanna see some improvement and have both sides of the ball be in the game next time. Also don’t play Flacco, he is a 37 year old pocket guy that can’t play well on this team with the Oline allowing all kinds of pressure and sacks.

    Billy SBC

    Hello Mr. Sunshine, there were some bright spots in this game that the Jets were not favored to win to begin with… One bright spot was Max Mitchell who played like a veteran last sunday, then there was Carter and Sauce and the defense contained Jackson so he couldn’t break free and put pressure on him most of the day. And stop with the Flacco stuff, Flacco completed 63% of his passes for over 300 yards in the rain, WTF else do you want! You think Zach Wilson is gonna put up those numbers with that line in the pouring rain? Wilson would have been 50% for 160 yards and 3 interceptions. Flacco is the best QB you have on this roster, and he’s going to be the starter until WIlson returns, and that’s the end of that discussion.

    c con

    Joe slow

    Leon S. Kennedy

    @Billy SBC I don’t see on the bright side with this team no more and I don’t care how many completions he had, that is not a game changing stat to me right now, I care about the team getting wins or just being in close games. Face it this team even with Saleh, even with this much talent is the same thing we always get: a team with no passion, no fight in it until there are 2 minutes left in the 4th Quarter when it is time to pack up and go home. You talk about how the dude was running for his life and what do I want? I wanted a QB that can actually run and make plays out of the pocket, not this atrocity of a QB roster! I want a thing called a win, I don’t care what the irrelevant betting odds or so called experts say, anyone can be beat any given Sunday and they seem to look defeated almost every Sunday. The dude couldn’t score a TD to save his life until the end of the game and you are saying he is the best QB they have? If he is so good then why arent We don’t have a good QB at all right now so that is just false. They can’t get a win and either won’t get one or barely get one with Flacco at QB. The team couldn’t even get an extra point and that is my problem, everything with this team is difficult to attain. Whether it is getting a win, getting a Touchdown, or even getting a first down, everything has to be the most difficult task known to man for the Jets. I’m frustrated and I’m allowed to be just like you are allowed to be Mr. Sunshine. I want this team to be great, not just mediocre and trash. That’s the end of it actually.

    Jerome Ivory

    Flacco played same way in pre season wasn’t receivers fault then

Ryan Garcia

GTFOH with this bullshittery.
We all know that means nothing in our current state.

    c con

    o line…that’s it

Mane Tony

❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine sleepfriendd.Online Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennm ich 4 wählen würde

P Villa

We gotta run 70% off the game to win maybe 65%


    Lol so you want schottenheimer back?


    Don’t be crying when they start running twice in a row then have to throw and can’t complete a pass…..3 and outs allllllll dayyy long

Billy SBC

Maybe if the OC had a logical game plan here considering it was pouring rain most of the time the Jets could have gotten a win on opening day. The Jets were supposed to run the ball and use plays that basically eat clock and keep Jackson on the sideline, instead they throw the ball 59 times in the rain with a left side line that’s having problems keeping protection? LeFluer needs to go.

    neil johnson

    Agreed..99% of problems were play calling.. Has Mike LaFleur ever heard of drags and quick slants everything is a five step drop and all the routes are 15 to 20 yards down the field and he did nothing to adapt and I like him but if he doesn’t adapt I have to agree with you


    Lafleur’s flowers are dying! He can ride the coattails of his brother for so long, then…you gotta go. If his name was Fleurski he would have been gone long ago.

    B Jay

    It’s the Oc’s fault that cager slipped, Davis drops passes, breece hall fumbles, Conklin fumbles , Michael carter drops a wide open td? the kickers misses two kicks? .. I mean I get the play calling could’ve been a little better but stop excusing the players for sloppy play, they are the ones on the field not Leflaur


Both backs need to get a lot of touches with Flacco back there


ground and pound would of won us the game i think .

Joseph Abraham Jr

We didn’t run it enough because our stupid offensive coordinator didn’t call more run plays while we were still in the game…


We look like a younger Cleveland backfield, lol.


I feel like we needed to mix in more short and quick throws off the run game. Flacco didnt have time to go downfield and he can’t escape the pass rush.


If we ran the ball more, early in the game… we wouldn’t be subjected to the statue throwing 59 times. Could have won this game


Ground and pound 59 times 😂 and beat Cleveland


and then Lafleur tried to outsmart himself by having the statue Flacco throw it 59 times. 🤣

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