The Washington Football Broadcast Booth Is Excited For The Season – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

The Washington Football Broadcast Booth Is Excited For The Season

During Washington Football Live at the Inova Sports Performance Center, host Julie Donaldson speaks with her fellow game day booth analysts DeAngelo Hall and Bram Weinstein about some of the ideas they are excited to bring this season.

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Phil Davis


1 Man Show

I just want to know what Bram’s TD call is going to be.

Pono Kanaka

brams voice is almost as annoying as jp finlays

Kevin W

I’m trying to be as respectful as I can towards the decision to add Bram and DH. I’m one of those people that’s very unhappy with Doc and Cooley not being retained and getting replaced by these 2, especially DH. I understand LM leaving amid these allegations but c’mon now. I will take Doc and Cooley over Dhall and London Fletcher any day in what they have done on/off the field and in the broadcast booth. This might pass for the fans that don’t really understand the dynamics of the situation but we have a lot of smart and informed fans in the area. Pop culture??? I’d rather go buy a beachfront property in Indiana.

Eric Darden

I like change but hearing Brahams voice will be too annoying… I will tune in for a few just to hear

Devin Henry

Uhhh, we DON’T LIKE BRAM!!!!

NPC Voter

Excited to see Washington utilizing the internet to get fans engaged

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