The Player’s Lounge | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

The Player’s Lounge | Dallas Cowboys 2022

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Ice. M.

Nah! Yesterday was Kappa Alpha Psi Founder’s Day. Alphas Founder’s Day is December 4th.. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

    Erick Mack

    Don’t care

    Ice. M.

    @Erick Mack I do

Dewayne Boswell

D Mac? Are them some 1988 Jordons youre wearing. they are SO COLD!

David Cisneros

It’s also true, cowboys were not there! C’on heck! Ridiculous argument!

David Cisneros

Nobody is arguing heck’s points, but happening in real time are the other FACTS, the negatives. I don’t think understands how they cancel each other out in many ways.. however, that won’t work in playoffs!

Kathy Sanders

Eagles have been getting lots of sacks in the last two games and they still lost so as long as the defense pressures and gets turnovers we got a good shot to win.

M West


Pastor James Archie

I have a pair of those buttas in West Texas. But my son in law gave them to me and he is from Brooklyn

Peter Serrano

I like all the podcast that come out via the Cowboys Football Shape Table, but the Players Lounge has the best energy, Y’all are live, big time.

Peter Serrano

Y’all need to stop comparing stats from the 90’s Cowboys to similar stat of today’s Cowboys and say this is the year. Wisdom said, Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise. (Eccl. 7:10)
For example: Its like comparing all women in a mans sexual experiences to his first experience of love, (not lust), he will always find something that just don’t add up to the first time. hence you find yourself living in the past and always falling short of the Apex of that particular experience. Hence the song by Sade, its never as good as the first time. So let us look at today’s Cowboys and their uniqueness, hence anew. Don’t look to the past to have success in the present. They are different teams from different era’s. Just saying.

Peter Serrano

The only thing I am concerned about, is if the Cowboys don’t not come out and play hard nose football or as they call it bully boy football. If we play hard from the get go, we can beat any team out there, even if they are better then us when it comes to stats. Physical hitting play in and play out, is the great equalizer in all games played in the NFL. Unfortunately we have seen this happen to us this year and last year by teams we should have beaten. But instead they beat our players up on the field of play and we lost those games.

Peter Serrano

They say do things smarter not harder. And this I agree with, except when it comes to football. In football the team that wins plays harder and smarter, not just smarter. go boys! be hard and smart.

Peter Serrano

It should not matter who we play. We just need to play hard and with out penalties and turn overs an there is no team out there that can beat us. regardless of talent. Make each play hurt and towards the end of the game we will be in the heads of their play makers. Its all about heart. I know this is easier said than done. Find whatever it takes to motivate you past your human ceiling.

Peter Serrano

I think the X factor we need to show up has to come from our defense. Defenses win games in the play offs. We need our secondary to stop that 3rd and 4th down conversions, allowing teams to stay on the field and eventually score on us. That whole of our defense is the X factor that needs to show up.

Peter Serrano

28-24 Cowboys over Washington, this game is going to be a lot closer than everyone thinks, cause the Cowboys seem to let these unknown, Q,B.’s make plays on them.

Arthoniouss First

Love the show fellas!

Erick Mack

Heckma is unbearable

    Jose Chavez

    It was so great when he was on the other show, I feel like I’m at the Barber shop everytime this guy is talking.


Here is the thing. With the QBs hurrying their game, they are throwing into coverages too tight to complete. Yes, the CB2 is being beat sometimes and even the entire secondary. But, the hurried QB game is beneficial overall to wins and to turnovers. Keeping contain is how you win games against QBs that are thinking on their feet. We need to rush LBs CBs and Safery blitzes… I dont see enough of that early on. I see rush 4. Only!!! Why? More LB stunts Safety stunts and Man 2 Man. Let’s do this. We win all the way to the Big Game. And a win in the Super Bowl. What you think?


Ask Darren Woodson. Ask anybody. Safety blitzes win super bowls. No one to block that equals win. Man to Man. Ends keep contain. CB cover ends when they see a line to the QB. Do your damn Job!!!! CB watch the RPO. Do your damn job!!!


Let me lay some logic on you guys. Just because you have a true fact doesn’t make your conclusion valid. You’re welcome.

Yellow Jesus

Church is the biggest flip flopper on this Network Frfr 🤣🤣🤣

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