The lessons that can be learned after a lopsided preseason loss to the Bills | Broncos Postgame Show – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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A.B. Wan Kenobi

We lost, but man it’s good to have football back! Let’s ride!!!


they will to learn from this. Nathaniel Hackett knows what he doing

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    Mario Lewis


Don Juan

Not too much cause for concern. Historically, the Broncos are incapable of beating the Bills. Bills could be 0-16 coming into Denver, and almost guaranteed to finish the season 1-16.

    Mark Gaffney

    Are you serious? How many SuperBowls have the Bills won? Zero. How many has Denver won? Three. The problem with Denver’s D is obvious: Can’t stop the run. It’s time for the coaches to wake up and put Baron Browning where he belongs — in the middle.

    Don Juan

    @Mark Gaffney Do some research before piping off. Bills have a 23-16-1 record all time against the Broncos. In the last 15 years, the Broncos are 1-5 against the Bills. Better hope they dont play the Bills in the playoffs.

    Steven Coleman-Fisher

    They had starters we didn’t lol.

Del Blodgett

What is the sense of having a brand new sports car if you’re scared to take it out the garage 🤣🤣😂

Lindsey Summers

It’s preseason. Chill. If this were Week 2, we might have cause for alarm. Let’s wait and see what happens.

Travis Schiffer

One punt for the bills sad 😢

Micah 321

Broncos fan here, I’m glad Denver got to see the competition they’re gonna have to go through to get to February, losing to teams like Buffalo in the preseason is a gift in disguise!

Most teams don’t get to learn this kind of information about themselves and about a team like Buffalo without suffering a regular season loss.

Denver got invaluable information for free.

And this is where most Broncos fans are not understanding how this is a huge gain for us.

    Michael Bryant

    @Andrew Stevens I’m so scared lmao 🤣

    Andrew Stevens

    @Michael Bryant yeah I know you are it’s obvious

    Paul's Place

    @Michael Bryant sadly, elway passed just about every player up in his 10 years as the GM. he did a lot of damage and as a result we do not have any depth. although paton has drafted much better, those guys are still young. and you can tell.

    Michael Bryant

    @Paul’s Place oh definitely I’m a bit concerned what our chances are if Russell Wilson gets hurt it could get ugly

ed swayze

the rams lost all their pre games last year,so who knows.

Kamu Kawo

“It’s just pre-season” it’s also your back ups and if a player goes down you know damn well after watching this your screwed

InbredDinnerWolves 4thGeneration

We are always prone to injury in the preseason, just be glad our starters werent in there……We had 4 players go down today reguardless…..thats 4 too many……besides that, we now know that we are disgustingly horrible at depth…..

Vernon Rowlette

No starters for the Broncos there starters played the first half 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Juls c

The biggest lesson is the defense corrinator doesn’t no how to change a game plan when he’s getting dominanted. Regardless of not having the first string in there. His game plan was beyond horrible

Julian Zamudio

It’d be nice ro see just one drive with the staters

jak kal

the coach looks really shook. im telling you broncos got really beat down badly…..

Michael Crabtree

Just gotta tackle better and stop the run. Can’t have missed tackles. Six touchdowns is bad… hopefully that gives them motivation for the next game to play better and be more aggressive on tackling and not miss them.

Brian Grovenstein

Practice makes perfect,.just gotta stay longer out there during the week🐎

Steven Coleman-Fisher

Easy to lose when they have 65 percent starters compared to our 2 and 3rd string. Lol

Kevin Gray

Worried about the deapth O and D lines hope number 1s stay healthy also I saw some quitters they need to go there isn’t an excus let’s ride

Mile High 6IX

I was at the game wasn’t fun for me score wise experience wise was awesome seeing my team even though it was a practice squad team

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