The Gift of Gaba: The Story of Mo Gaba | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

The Gift of Gaba: The Story of Mo Gaba | Baltimore Ravens

Mo Gaba was a Baltimore Ravens and Orioles superfan who became a household name in Baltimore. He battled cancer, which caused him to lose his eyesight, but he was an inspiration to so many people during his young life.

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R.i.p mo

cameron hepburn





We have to win it all this year FOR MO!!!!!!


    Yessirrrrrr!!!!!!!! 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜

    MVJ Wrestling

    Go all the way!!

    DLC Piano

    Yes sir. Let’s go Baltimore 🖤💜

    Daniel lomeli

    Bro what if the Ravens went to the Super Bowl this year and on the LAST PLAY they ran the play Mo told them to ran in practice annnnnddd. Won!!??

    Anthony Hill

    @Daniel lomeli mean while you guys are scared to play Thanksgiving night put your backups in and play football y’all was bragging about beating us week 17 with our backups no excuses bums


I forever have faith in the Baltimore ravens I was born and raised here and every struggle comes with a fabulous victory 💪🏻😈

Jaxon VanBibber

I dont live in Baltimore but you guys have been my favorite team ever since I watched football witch was like when I was 8 but I’m 13 now


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    Andrew Chung

    I started liking the ravens in 2012 when I watched the Blind Side movie and found out that Michael Oher was a raven. Since then I’m a ravens fan for life 💜


Face full of tears 😭 In Mo We trust ♥️ I miss him man.Great spirit like no other



Xavier Reyes

I’m not crying, you’re crying

yaboyy gabriel

Rip Mo. I loved this man so much

Obi Wan Shinobi

I’m not crying… You’re crying. R.I.P. to our number 1 pick, the patron saint of Baltimore, Mo.




Id take mo gaba as my OC any day.

    Lincoln Naki

    His play calling is better than Greg romans

Moe- Jo

R.I.P Big Mo.. BaltiMOre will do it for you this season.. rest up and hold the Ravens down, love, peace & blessings. Love you bro.

Blitzu _yt

I broke down crying 😭

Jeremiah Smith

Lamar jackson MVP funny how they work together ❤and get together soon enough time to your mom is my best friends and my phone on me too long term love ravens

Ryan Wilson

I use to love hearing Mo call into “The Fan” 105.7! Gonna miss ya little buddy!

James Borbor

I’ve never cried on a video this video was very very touching just wish he still alive but he will still be in our hearts

Andrew Escoto

LAMAR JACKSON need to beat the Steelers For Mo😭❤♥️

    Anthony Hill

    You guys are scared to play Thanksgiving night Steelers about the knock you guys out the playoffs with pleasure bums


This makes you appreciate our lives more. RIP lil Mo💜💜💜🤗🤗

Mr. Blue

I was on the verge of tears. We have to do our best the rest of this year, and next year. For our boy Mo. RIP my angel.

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