The French (Canadian) Connection with Ben St-Juste | Hang Time: Ep 5 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Thanks BSJ for calling out Snyder’s dark cloud hanging over the franchise yesterday.

God's Got It

Man I love how Juice looks like an uncooked french toast stick! 21:41 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Philthy Collins

BSJ immediately became my favorite player yesterday.


BSJ is a hero of the fans after yesterday πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Earl Bruce

I was so glad when we drafted BSJ. Great player, great person. Hopefully he stays his whole career.


Cheese’s exit was legendary

Phil w

Aww man wanted here more detail about pick 6 called bk


BSJ is a real chad for β€œthe dark cloud” comment. One of my new favorite players lmao

    LOFT Tm

    Time stamp?


i love this kid. all about that 1% growth everyday.


Tress Way could be the next Pat Mcafee if he wanted too, he is the man! And I’m ready for Juice to be our #1!

Jacob Barnard

Great show, keep it up.

Dennis Casely-Hayford

Tress Way definitely has a future in the broadcasting and media realm. He is a natural in interviewing. He is seamless at it.

Dennis Casely-Hayford

Benjamin St. Juste can easily have a career as a fashion model.


Bsj is the man!

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