The best linebackers in the 2020 draft | Top of the Class – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Am I first or nah?

    zwebby onthebeat



omg go broncos and drew but he need more wr

    zwebby onthebeat

    GameXCube not in the first round


    @zwebby onthebeat fair, but we will see how things playout

    Austin Madore

    zwebby onthebeat are you serious? Definitely in the first round. Besides chase young, okudah and Simmons, there really aren’t any elite players on defense. Most definitely get one of the big three receivers in the first round. Even trade up for one of them


    @Austin Madore yea ur right but if going available then 2 round

Oscar Ch

If all top 3 wr are out I would be so happy if we get Murray

    Michael Richter

    Only if we trade back 5 to 10 spots.. I’d much rather have Queen since he’s much better in coverage than Murray!

tonya amberger

The best defenseve player in college right now is either cj Henderson or chase young

    Austin Madore

    Isaiah Simmons is better than both.

EcKo Yeti

AJ Epanesa should’ve been on this list!

Max Robbins

If we don’t get either of the top 3 receivers, I would be elated if we traded back into the early 20’s and got Murray.

Broncos Stampede

We Need A WR At 15 Not Defense!!

    Broncos Stampede

    @Conan Jory I Didn’t Say Draft WR1….WE NEED WR2….HENRY RUGGS IS OUR GUY

    Gavin Sundstrom

    Broncos Stampede true you could go either way on this you could get Simmons first round and 2nd round wr vice versa remember courtland was drafted in the 2nd round so you never know

    John Y Yaussi

    The number 1 receiver in Denver is a second round pick. Now every one wants a high 1 WR. Value can be found in the second round. So defense may be the pick.

    Broncos Stampede

    @Gavin Sundstrom Yeah But What Are The Odds The 2nd Round Pick Will Work Out…He Could Be Another Deshaun Hamilton….WE NEED A FOR SURE THING….WE NEED SPEED TO BLOW DEFENSIVE COVERAGES OUT THE WATER….Our Division Has The Most Elite CB’s And DB’s In The Leauge….We Need RUGGS To Make Them Second Guess On How To Attack Us Now That CHJ Is A Charger With Hayward,King And James

    Gavin Sundstrom

    Broncos Stampede fair enough

Conan Jory

Stopping the Chiefs is going to be easier than outscoring them with a rookie WR added to the O. Simmons or Murray paired up with AJ in the middle would be ideal in pursuing the Chief WRs and Kelce.

    Broncos Stampede

    Bruh Our Division Has Top Tier CB’s…And DB’s WE NEED RUGGS TO BEAT THEM

    RiZe Vee

    If I’m being honest I really don’t think you can STOP the chiefs there’s only slowing them down.

Sandro Ramirez

Please get CeeDee


I really like Logan Wilson. I think Kenneth Murray, Malik Harrison or overrated. Not to say they dont have good potential though.

Dewey Vasona

Brandon Perna puts you guys to shame…


    Dewey Vasona I cannot stand his sense of humor. Just not for me. I like these guys.

    Jeff Crouch

    You gf says I do I better then you but you don’t see me telling the world til now 😂

    Dewey Vasona

    Jeff Crouch you can’t even type… let alone get laid…

    Dewey Vasona

    Safespace69 HAHA YOUR Name Is Safe Space 69!!!! You can have your opinions. But the irony in your username would be much appreciated by ThatsGoodSports.

Woelfi 45

I have read Elway wants to trade up. But probably to get one of the top 3 WR. A defense upgrade isn’t our biggest need. First of all, we need another weapon for Drew.

Jeff Crouch

We need wr,ol or cb with that first round pick

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