The 2020 Patriots Draft Class Reacts to Being Drafted – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jeo Trillio

please never do a video like this again

Aaron Negron

They say the dynasty is DEAD…well we’re infusing some youngblood with this youth movement! LONG LIVE THE DYNASTY! GO PATS! LET’S GOOOOOOO


    My man!!! #LFG🔥💯😎

Avery Appleby

I have no idea what I just saw, but people sound happy

Derek Levesque

With the 673rd pick, Bill picks his dog 🐕

Paul Williams

Dumbest video ever

Mario Chavero

Yeah, this was not meant to be for vr

Roberto Moreno

Mr. Brady has a gone…

Samuel Roses

Please no more VR

    Kyler Woolley

    Super disorientating

Jax Carter

please no more vr, it was very wonky

Camren Daley

Wtf why is the video like this???

Nick Barnhard

No more VR this is awful

Watch Ryan

Great, time to have a seizure

Ollie Beantown

Wtf was this I feel drunk 😂

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