‘That’s how you win!’: The best sights and sounds as the Broncos beat the Dolphins – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
* KeenOnBroncos

lets beat the saints next week guys

    Matt R

    @Zachary Jones you do realize I provided reasoning for why they are winning therefore it’s not biased right? GTFOH

    Matt R

    @Hyk eth.it’s not about which team is better. It’s about matchups. We match up well with the saints, I’m not writing my broncos off like you fake fans.

    Daniel star

    Denver gone kill hill lmao


on to the saints

    Calm Flamingo



Play Lindsay more feed phill the ball

    Diego Aragonez

    Yes true but both Melvin and Phill played very good but I am mad at Melvin that he fumbled at the 1 yeard line like bro wtf!

    r rod

    For reals man, Gordon makes me nervous every time he touches the ball scared he’s gonna fumble

God'sNotDead 00

Gotta keep on proving the doubters wrong 😑

Alonzo Alcala

Broncos need win beat another team keep win denver broncos

Hairy Chicken

If only we could play like that every week

    LemonDropsU Gaming

    It’s a growing pains season. Don’t know why people expected anything more. They just need this season to jell, and hopefully get a real off-season to jell even more

    Dakota Armer

    Why do that when they like their fans on a roller-coaster of emotions lol

    We Got Next

    Y’all definitely was the better team that day PHINS UP 🐬

    R3D X

    @We Got Next GG

    Calm Flamingo


Kent Borges


Brian Warner

Go get the saints now

    Calm Flamingo

    not gonna be easy⚜️

Joe Pron

we gon beat da saints tho emmanual sanders is gonna be playin against our team loved him one time he sent me vid and wished me happy bday go Broncos

-Joe Pron #1 Broncos fan

pokaz pokaz

I really like coach fangio, this is how the team should play .. a nasty and agressive D and run the damn football without committing ball losses… and make it a physical game with your best line in the field … but I insist on search and INVEST for another OC to take advantage of all offensive weapons

roadrunner dre

You know what i noticed every time we win anylast talk about the other team and not what we did good its really crazy

    Andre Matthews


    Lexsi Smith

    Yup. They didn’t have anything to say about how well we played just about “What happened to tua? Why is the offense playing bad? They pur Fitz in, what does that mean”? But nada bout our defense and us improving.

    Dr3amvill3 guy14

    @Lexsi Smith Tua was under 100 yards passing, sacked 6 times and benched 😈

    Tyler Wood

    East coast bias,nothing new there. Plus Broncos haven’t been a media spotlight team since Manning.

Brandon Parks

This makes me happy

alex Motts

Classic denver 2 back system and quality defense. Classic broncos

demigod 187

Its gonna be a sad day when the best safety in the league walks because Elway won’t pay him.

Caleb’s Hour

I find it funny how Lindsay is the one hyping everyone up and getting the offense ready but ain’t even a true starter and gets no red zone carries

r rod

Love the way my team competes and fights every game. We have the right coach fangio and players that just need experience and seasoning then we will be back

Don Goldsworthy

Fangio is doing a great job. The Broncos are a tough team to beat that will eventually turn into a lot of wins even in a loaded AFC West. Im so glad the Raiders are good again, I truly missed watching the Broncos beat a relevant Raiders team.


Next week is the saints and the week after that is the chiefs these two teams will test us of how we can do against good teams we beat the now 6 and 4 dolphins I believe that Denver can beat the saints

Mike Mike

Good W! Let’s keep this up! Gordon needs to hold on to that ball but good game none the less! Go Broncos!

Erick Flores

I say this all the time ima say it again PAY LINDSAY KEEP REED!!!

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