‘That’s a team win’: Inside the locker room after the Broncos’ win over Arizona | Victory Speech – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Jesse muchwano



Let’s go broncos county


Do it the whole game, couldn’t have said it better! Excited for Christmas Day football! Broncos Country, Let’s Ride!!!🧡💙


    Aight bro you don’t have to bring up let’s ride

    Mario Lewis

    Not 💯 sure, but didn’t let’s ride die out A few games back?

Ace _Islaughter

Latavious murray you are a dawg id be more than happy to keep you here until you retire lets go Broncos country🧡💙


Finally starting to feel like it’s coming together. Let’s finish this year strong and build momentum for next year. Go broncos!!!


    Hack it still needs to be fired




    They not gone fire him

luke Smith

This team deserves a second season to compound off of this one

Aaron Gameros

So I’m thinking if we perform this good for our last three games maybe keep Hackett? It took time to bring this offense together but it’s looking like it finally has and the results are good so far. Idk man

Vinny J

I took my Kidd sister to her first game at Mile High and what an excellent experience! Proud of you Broncos!

Ryan Miller

Holy crap it’s like they just won the super bowl

Davo 915

It just feels good seeing this team happy in the locker room.


I love it. When this team gets healthy we will be able to beat anyone


We are gonna win all the rest, including at Arrowhead on New Years day!!!

Gayle Sallee

That”s my team!!! Way to go Broncos!! You are doing what I knew you could do all season long and that is Play together as a team and win games!! LET”S GO BRONCOS!!! Proud of all you players and coaches!! Let”s finish strong and have a great next year!!!

The Black Sheep

Last time they got a home win was 3 months ago lol

Lue Her

Baby steps people. Baby steps.

Football Pro - Adham Shawky

I hope we resign Marlon mack

Irvin Vanderbilt

Felicidades sé pudo ganar bravo… Muy bien Coach Hackett 😎👍

Jose Gonzalez

I’m having 2nd thoughts on Hackett, he might be a great coach after all

Benito Osservanza

I was highly critical of Hackett for the 3/4 of this season. But now this team is starting to work together. I really don’t want to see Hackett get let go. I want to see what he can do in three years. It’s been a rough season for sure but with a revamped organization, literally bringing in new faces from top to bottom.. I think if this team just got healthy and with more experience with each other. They can be the Broncos we want them to be putting up double digit wins.

Ace King

It was a team win. Something Russel Wilson doesn’t understand.

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