Texans vs. Titans WIN | Sunday in 60 ⏰ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Youngboy 4 LiFe

Texans for life

    Wad Da Best


    Youngboy 4 LiFe

    Yessir he rushes and makes the touchdown

Michael Alexander Jr

Wasn’t pretty but we got the job done 🤘🏾 shout out Tyrod Taylor!

    Teg Nando

    Fact’s bro 💯🤘🏼

    Michael Alexander Jr

    @Teg Nando 🤘🏾

Chris Anders

Always excited for a win. Especially excited for next season after they get this team back in order after BoB.

Rocael Paz

I like that we won but I think we can all agree that David Johnson gotta go

    Chris Anders

    Nah he is a good backup to Engram…oh wait.

Sarah McCoy

On any given day, one team can beat another in the NFL.
I find it hard to celebrate when this win could insure that Detroit gets the top pick in the 2022 NFL draft. And the Lions get the top pick in every round of the draft.
I do not want to see the Texans be a mediocre ball club for the next five to 10 years. This has been the fate of teams like the Lions and Jets for many, many years.
So, we beat the Titans yesterday. Who is going to the playoffs? It ain’t the Texans.
Over the next five to 10 years, the Titans, Colts, and Jags will be vying for the top spot in the division, while we will be at the bottom of the division.

Maile McDevitt

If tyrod Taylor Can stay healthy the rest of season Texans win division and playoffs. Texans4Life

Akhil G Thomas

Despite the Outside Noise, im Texans for life

    Isaiah Daughtery

    Amen Brotha.
    & What’s worse than a “Karen”? A “Sarah”. They’re the one’s who don’t know when to stfu and stop being a buzzkill to society. At least a Karen knows when she’s wrong and should just take the loss and shut the noise. Sarah’s apparently have no mute, pause or filter. SMH

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