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we really hired David Culley a WR coach as HC 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣

    Mr. Grausome

    Yep, I bet Carserio just wanted a puppet so he could actually control the team and be the official arm chair quarterback. I don’t blame Watson for wanting out. He is not stupid lol

Bulls On Parade Fanatic

Bye Bye Watson
Hope you have a great career wherever you land❤️

Rocael Paz

Please tell me hiring David Culley was a joke

BK Prod

deshaun watson tribute video up next


Welp this team is going to fall apart

    Marcos M


Marcos M

Texans channel: Hey guys! I know we just hired a WR Coach from the worst passing offense in the league, we don’t have any first round picks, and our franchise qb just requested a trade. But hey, here’s a special teams highlight reel!!!

Mr. Grausome

With the hiring of Culley, Cal McNair (and his mom) have allowed Easterby and Caserio to fully destroy the Texans. Easterby should have been fired when O’Brien was sent packing; and Caserio, Easterby’s good buddy who admires him so much, should never have been given the job. Too bad McNair didn’t properly clean the house..🤦🏻‍♂️

E. C.

This is ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♂️ cal mcnair is an incompetent owner, all these years didn’t do a thing to make things better for deshaun…and if this is a rebuild, you hire a 65 year old wr coach, lovie smith and leave tim Kelly?? Doesn’t make sense at all….good luck to deshaun wherever he goes…and as of today I am no longer a Texans fan

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