Teven Jenkins on injury status vs. Lions | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Tiff Tiff

Thanks goodness Tevin Jenkins is ok and is back. God bless all Bears (and all NFL) players a speedy recovery from any injury and pain they’re dealing with. We all missed Tevin and I’m sure the oline and Justin missed Tevin the most 🙏🙏🙏

    Amahd Cole

    Yeah we need him


this guy is going to be such a key piece for this oline, hope he stays healthy and continues to shine for us

Raymond Krawiec

Back in the day the team would just say “ he’s got a stinger , give him a salt tablet and get back in there “ .
Glad the MD’s on the field are on the ball . Teven going to be a cornerstone of this O-line for a long time , he’s a tough SOB and the Bears are lucky to have him .

Gary Crook

Be well, rest up!
Hang in there! ✌
Go Bears!

Kevin Ruiz

I fucking love me some revenge Jenkins.. great pick on 2nd round

Jeff Meihs

All we need is 5 more guys as tough as him!!!

Jonathan Colby

Tev is my favorite player right behind Justin. I relate to them both so much personally and love that they are both leaders in this locker room for my bears!! SO happy Tev is okay! That injury looked scary I am just happy he is healthy and seems to be in good spirits.

Jajuan Bell

I’m glad he’s okay. He been one of my favorite players ever since he took up for Justin Fields.

    John Coonfare

    Same! He’s probably my favorite player after JF1!

Amahd Cole

Teven Jenkins is a beast at right guard


Tev can’t wait to see you full speed again


This guy is a powerhouse! In college, reminded me of the 85 bears defense!!

David Mink

The guy is a beast. Excellent bounce back year.


He does have Iron Mike eyes when talking ball. I am glad that he has done well this year and just need a few more guys like him and we be o.k. The guy is intense when you watch him play. Bright future ahead if he stays healthy.

J Sanders

Thank God he’s in good health

Charles Mack

Love that kid 💪

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