Teven Jenkins: ‘It’s all about seizing the opportunity’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Excited to see this man protect our QB. Hopefully he can stay healthy 🐻👇🏻

Cppr Busa

Can’t wait to see him this next game! He looked impressive in his first game with only a couple days at the spot. Feel sorry for him about his mom! I hope he has a long successful career with the Bears!!


RIP Mrs Jenkins. Bear fans appreciate Teven’s determination! Go #76 Go!


He looks better, sounds better, and seeing him laugh again is good. Big Tev protecting JF1 is important

Jonathan B

You got this Teven!


We are rooting for you Tev!! RIP to Mrs. Jenkins. It’s hard losing a parent at a young age


    tsharp318: Nice pickup & thoughtful comment ! I feel for Tev…to lose her so young.

Space Ghost

Teven just needs more reps to practice staying more square with his blocks as a guard. Tackles tend to pull that outside foot back to cut off the outside corner. Guards stay more square. I heard former DE Anthony Herron talking about that. Teven can crush this.

RAB 556

Prayers for his Mom and Family! He’s going to be a Chicago Bear for a long time and a GREAT one! BEAR DOWN!!


Really happy for him. Young guy just got through a whirlwind. Now he’s smiling and in a starting position. Hope more good comes his way as well as the team

Tiff Tiff

I love Tevin Jenkins, he been through so much ❤️🙏🙏. He even addressed the trade rumors. I wish that would stop. This guy moved around different position and doing well. Please value the talent in this young guy ❤️

grady mccray

Love this kid! Excellent interview. 🐻⬇️

Thomas Gena

If “performance over politics ” is a real thing with Matt Eberflus’ Chicago Bears, Teven Jenkins is a lock!

Shannon Greene

The future is bright. We got the coach. We got the QB. We got the Defense. We have quality young men of character that believe in their coach on this team. The future is Super Bowls. Bear Down!

Alexander Moises

I really liked this kid. Glad he’s working out.

I also like the CFL

He seems much happier. Whatever the situation was for him, personally and all, wishing you all the best, Tev. Hope you grind it for the Bears.

I also like the CFL

And the real feeling for his mother–really moving. We are rooting for you, Tev! Kick it!


I been concerned about this situation at the start. His health and the rumours we’re not good. Hopefully he sticks because obviously he has talent and ability. I don’t know or will never the entire story right now. But he is very well spoken. I hope it turns out well for him and The Bears. I will say David Montgomery like him and that’s a telling sign..and last he the only guy willing to fight for Justin Fields.


I REALLY like this young man. I have from day 1. But you can see how he has really come to embrace this Opportunity. Relaxed this Interview, exhibiting great personality. I think he can become a true fan fav. I don’t dislike Kap–but when he came out with that story, I didn’t like it–nor fully believed it. I wondered if he took enough care to confirm it…. You can see the “smarts” that Eberflus & his other line coach have mentioned about Tev. I hope he really takes hold of this Opportunity & has a great career–as a Bear !! Go Tev !! Go Bears !!


What a difference a couple weeks make. Hang in there big man and keep making us proud.

glen metcalfe

really hope this guy makes it.Just the heart he showed when protecting FIELDS last year speaks volumes about him!

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