Tennessee Titans vs. Green Bay Packers | 2022 Week 11 Game Highlights – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
J Song

Henry’s trick play was so smart! If he can do that regularly, then it’s a headache for any defense team.


    @Jacob H was just thinking this

    Rich Wood

    A great play!

    DJ Dee X-Man Freestyle Music

    That was awesome.

    Martin Brady

    Not the first time he did that. Obviously, Al Michaels was not aware that Henry had done it before, I think against the Ravens.


    I disagree because then every team in the league would be prepared for that 😎

Raul jr Bustamante

As a dolphins fan I’m very proud of Tannehill I always wanted to stick with him as a qb as a fin but congrats Tennessee keep tannehill healthy

    Ivermectin Patient

    @Jag Tennessee vs Miami would be such a crazy game. Two teams with completely opposing styles

    Jeremy DeCaro

    Repent and believe in Jesus. John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    Luke 13 3 – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
    John 3:3 “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
    2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


    @Who are you? RT sucks, he has a superbowl team and can’t win one 🤷🏽‍♂️


    My hilarious reaction https://youtu.be/ga3RkAEKX3U


    @Jordan Churchill Yeah because he has Derrick Henry

Hakeem TheDream

The titans really possessed the ball for 13 minutes in the 2nd quarter

    Shane Kemp

    Just 6


    @Cát Nguyên just stop it bro soccer or futbol whatever you want to call it is boring af

    Chosen one

    So no one talking about how washed up Aaron Rodgers is?

    Brady Hagen

    @tightpinksock just the fact Tampa beat chiefs in 2020 proves running game matters

    Daniel Munguia

    @jake ruuehl lmao noooooo

Amanda Chavez

Excelente partido Titans espero que sigan así


Lions fan here and was rooting for the titans so much, and wow you guys look like a fun team to watch!! Thanks for smashing the packers 😂❤️


    Don’t let this game fool you. Our passing offense has been putrid up until this game. The D is legit, and Henry, of course, has been legit, but we haven’t really had much of a passing offense.

    Titan FTW

    @operator0 treylon burks went off

    the terpenater

    @Titan FTW 1 catch isnt going off kid

    Daqwan Irvin

    @the terpenater he had 7 catches for 111


    @the terpenater 7 catches for 111 yds. I’d consider that going off, kid.

James Richardson

It never gets old watching Henry barrel over guys on one play then watch him watch him look like hes on one of those airport moving walkways while all the defenders running on solid ground. Also the Titans keep winning while the media keeps overlooking them and underestimating them.

Love the hand shake between Henry and the mere mortal and more normal sized running Back Jones at the end lol. He’s so big.

    C B

    He’s so big?!? Don’t say that about another man my g.

    Chris N

    If you’re a Titans fan, you don’t want the “media” talking about them.
    Let em fly under the radar until it’s time to strike. They could be very dangerous in the playoffs.

    Chris Creates

    Titans will never get their do diligence but I’m okay with it. Playoffs year after year, they’ll get a break soon I believe. ⚔⚔⚔

    Fernando Quintana

    I was 4th row up and watched that. It was comical the size difference between the two

    Marvin Gabriel

    Comment level – 10/10..😁


Damn Tannehill got me in that play at 2:49 (of this video) and Henry (🦒Moose) got me on the TD too. Titans can beat anybody on a good night for sure. On the Packers side that kid Watson balling last 2 games.

    Fulete Carola

    Same here 😂😂😂.


That tackle by Tannehill on the interception at 9:44 … Clean !


    He threw the pick so of course he should make the tackle.


    Hi friend, if you really want to be clean be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. He is only one turn away. He was sent by the Father in heaven as the atonement for our sins. He died, was buried and resurrected on the third day! Believe. Repent. Confess Him Lord and Son of God. Be baptized for the remission of sins. And live faithful until death!

    I love you friend. Remember Christ Jesus is always just one great decision away.


    Perfect tackle. You’re right

    The Gamer 91

    He’s an athletic dude. He used to be a WR before.

    E Dub

    Best and quickest way to take out your anger for throwing the pick, flatten the guy that did it.


Tannehill is a really good QB, they need to keep him healthy. Tennessee is always fun to watch, such a clean, technical team, barely any penalties the entire season. Bills fan here.


    I wouldn’t trust him in game winning drives especially in playoffs imho

    Dave Ruby

    Why did they get dominated in the playoffs last year then?

    James Roberts

    Everything clicked my my titans.. tannehill was decisive, accurate and poised .. wrs made plays..defense was good … were tough and battled tested.. very dangerous..not flashy ..just lunchpale football !! Titanup


    @tubenachos you do realize even with 2 OT losses this year we are still one of the best OT teams and one of the best when it comes to game winning drives in the regular season, yeah you can make the argument it’s because of Henry but Tannehill is VERY solid when it comes to OT and game winning drives.


    I wouldn’t say all that… If he play his role tho this team might win a playoff game

jme shox

That jump pass TD was a thing of beauty!!


    6:22 😁

Lem Jones22

That jump throw never gets old, love that play.


    We did that vs the chiefs in the afc championship game

    Braydon Littrell

    @Chris thought that was against the ravens

Tha Ferg

That throw for the touchdown by Derrick Henry was the best play of the game! That was freaking awesome I love when they do that trick play nobody sees it coming!!!

    Titan FTW

    nah it was tannehill to burks for 51 yards


I know he threw that one late INT, but I’ve never seen Tannehill play a better game. Great 333-yard performance. Also, the Henry to Hooper TD was excellent and something more teams should occasionally try. Element of total surprise.


    @hopesfall2win I believe it was a poor decision to throw that ball into heavy coverage.


    @Hop it wasn’t heavy coverage, the DB was backpedaling and got there on time, it was 1v1


    @hopesfall2win What? Watch it again. The receiver was very well-covered even before the interceptor backpedaled and picked it off. Definitely a bad decision by RT. (If you’ve listened to the national analysts on the game I’m sure you’ve heard them agree.)


    @Hop It did look like good coverage, but it was still 1v1 if Douglas didn’t play and bait that beautifully and I doubt it was a pick if he didn’t get there. So bad play because of the result but since you brought up announcers they also said they saw what he did and called out that Douglas made a great play looking like he was coming downhill against the run and then shaded back.


    @ZaneAsbjorn I don’t think there’s probably anything more I can say to change your view of the play, so that’s fine. No offense, but I don’t even think it’s borderline. It also doesn’t have to do with the good play made on the ball by Douglas. An unwise decision (and very possibly a pick) regardless of that. But I don’t want to keep going back & forth, as my whole point in posting was to point out the quality performance by Tannehill. Cheers.

Dyce Rollem

If Tannehill can play like this every game Tennessee will be a huge problem for teams come playoff time.

David U

Good to see Vrabel running one of my favorite play on that first touchdown to Hilliard. Redzone Scissors ✂️ 🔥

Earl Johnson

I loved Henry’s pass he had to jump a little to get over the line that was awesome

Aidan Zagorski

Great work for Tennessee this game. I always see people underestimating Tennessee, mainly people who know almost nothing about them. Tennessee is a great team. Sure they don’t make a lot of big plays often, but that’s not our strategy. they play good in the red zone both offense and defense. They are a great team and a force to be reckoned with

    Michael Chapple

    The Titans are very physical. I haven’t watched too many of their games. I did notice when they played KC a few weeks ago Tennessee isn’t afraid to punch teams in the mouth.


    To be fair. They’re in mid season form. That’s all.

Boy George Michael

That 4-pt conversion was awesome!

    the terpenater

    excuse me what?


    @the terpenater They’re making a joke because they showed the 2 pt conversion twice

    Mikey Derrick

    Lol right! They replay a play like that on EVERY single NFL highlights, every single game


    What game now lmao


As a bears fan I’m loving this downfall

james b

As a Falcons fan, I like what I see in Tennessee. The defense is solid, the offense is full of surprises, and even the quarterback made a solid tackle after throwing an interception (13:03).
There might be a parade in Tennessee if this team stays healthy


    Art trying to bring that titan energy to Atlanta

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