Tennessee Titans Top Plays vs. Houston Texans | Game Highlights – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


nrt nocap

We need to be better


We suck😂

Deandre Ray

Let’s give the Jags this playoff spot and take the Offseason to sit back and reflect this 💩

Nico Hischier burner


    Radley Martin 2

    F the Jags


    Yes sir!!!

Alex M

Burks is a bust. Thx for AJ we won the trade 🦅


    @Alex M we had not startin o line men

    Sam sam

    Lmao he’s not a bust he’s the only good part about this offense

    Pierre Causemybladderisempty

    @Sam sam Henry?

    Sam sam

    @Pierre Causemybladderisempty and Henry to

    Aaron Elliott

    @Sam sam Chig is a hell of a TE

Ryan Damon


Radley Martin 2

Why do we keep losing


    @radleymartin2 no starters on OL, 42% of the entire teams’ starters/and or 2nd string players are and have been out w/Injuires for weeks. Starting QB has been out off & on for weeks w/injuries. OC hasn’t a clue how or what to call for plays with all these changing players. These issues began to show themselves last year. Titans have been #1 with a ridiculous amount of injuries two years in a row with 2nd & 3rd string players starting, & being a revolving door for signing new players to fill these holes. OC Downing doesn’t know how to play-call on his best day, and especially with all the changing players utilizing their strengths compared to Smith. The conditioning staff needs to be fired as well. JRob should have been fired the day he changed plans and did his own thing during the draft, after Vrabel and the owner Amy, and AJ said he wanted to stay a Titan. Vrabel was livid when that GM made a last minute decision to trade him off. AJ was shocked because he had wanted to stay, too, but thankfully, he’s doing well in Philly. This team is NOT the same team nor the same personnel as last year in several positions. Ppl who have been paying attention to this bull 💩 are not surprised at all. Firing the GM was the first move and change to fix this team. It’ll probably take two to three more years for them to even get back to where they were last year. But tptb best be replacing Downing, along with the entire conditioning staff, and drafting better players over the next few years. AJ was a franchise-type player, as is Derrick Henry. Derrick is getting screwed in all of this mess. My comments are just the start of what’s happened to this team.


Put in Dobbs might as well we’re hot garbage

Awful madden plays.

Embarrassing just embarrassing from the front Office decisions that are now obviously being shown to the playcalling


The day after we lose to the Jags, Todd Downing will be fired!


    @M A exactly! We’re #1 for most injuries on a team for two years in a row. Wtf??? Not counting all the other problems. It is obviously not just the OC, Downing.

    M A

    @SayItAin’tSo nah everyone is hating on Downing and yeah he kills momentum with horrible predictable calls but there is a lot wrong with this team. Todays offensive line was basically all backups. I really would like to see Lewan come back.


    @M A I’m not sure Lewan’s pay is worth 2-3 games per year.. lol



    M A

    @wony69 I mean you’re right he does get injured a lot. Then again, doesn’t the entire team? Lol

Lake Scott

We should’ve put in dobbs

Billy Mullins

Top plays in a loss to the worst team in the league. Woo…


Losing to the Texans is sad


Disappointing these past couple games but we’re still in the fight! 💯 LETS GO

The Relaxtion and Meditation Room

Burks is a bust, no one can stay healthy, Willis is the worst of them all, Todd “bringing us” Downing needs to go, season is done ☑️.

The Relaxtion and Meditation Room

Willis on live tv trying to draw the defense offsides, laughs and says “I can’t even do it” and proceeds to let the clock hit. What a pro, “I can’t even do it 😂”. Trash QB.


I’m so embarrassed to be a true Titans fan wtf is going on



Big Man

Just tank for a better pick if we make playoffs were one and done just tank for a better pick this season is not it

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