Takeaways from Day 1 of training camp | Broncos Country Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Insatiable DaWane LaDARRELL Garey



Great episode!


Nathaniel Hackett is definitley a smart man, he’s building up practices the way NFL coaches should. Excited to see the rest of training camp and for the season! Go Broncos!!!

Micah Lloyd

uhhh “Broncos country tonight”……..dude not even noon 😴

    Jesse Robison

    Recorded last night

    Tango Downx2

    Smh it’s clearly recorded last night


Defense wins again. Like always. 🙄

    Tango Downx2

    @5280-HaZy yeah true however


    this offense is completely new. chill.


    @88 the past 6 years have given me some type of PTSD. Lol. Sorry if I’m not buying in yet.


    @5280-HaZy fair enough.


    @巴ちゃん same here. Extreme skepticism!

Michael Pack

I think that taking it a bit easier now, will prevent injuries later.

Michael Pack

Does anybody know what John Elway’s role is going to be now that there’s a new ownership?


    Let me ask what you thought it was last year?

    Michael Pack

    @RunNscar3d VP, but not much of anything else.

    Tango Downx2

    Ummmm he’s the president and he’ll likely remain the president.

Miles Goering

Gotta love broncos country tonight at 8 am

Bill Bell Ell

Hackett just keeps showing me he knows what he is doing. I really love the attitude of those interviewed. The defense scheme is, I think, returning from Fangio defense. I would be highly surprised if the defense did not start more quickly than the offense as everything (ignoring returning players) about the offense is pretty new. My hope is the offense does catch up to the defense before the Dallas preseason game.


Benjamin “no real insight” Albright.

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