Steve Wilks talks about DJ Moore injury in Monday presser – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Film Enterprises

Hope he gets 100% better!


#keeppounding I hope DJ is okay vs the Steelers! Let’s keep on winning!


I think we can all agree this man has lit a fire under this team that desperately needed it and he deserves a 2 or 3 year prove it contract for sure Please Tepper do the right thing. KeepPounding and Protect Da Bank!! 💙🖤

    Chopmop Tactical

    We will😉

    stephen ketchie


    Tim Black

    Agree 100% but Tepper could screw up a wet dream


    Wilks is building a solid resume at why he should be our Head Coach. I’d like to see more dominate 3rd and 4th quarter play. He also has gotten more out of the rotational players offense and defense! Want to see more, KEEPPOUNDING


    Gotta add too I think Wilks has a big effect on how Sam has been playing! Also Wilks looks like a solid mentor to the players!

Lavardis Miller

Steve Wilks for HC!

Skitzo Heavy

He definitely deserves this job !! #KeepPounding #ProtectTheBANK


I never cared for Rhules conferences or what he had to say after letting us down each week, but I have been invested in all of Wilks conferences and legitimately feel every word he says. He truly believes in this team and wants to be here. HIRE THIS MAN TEPPER. #KeepPounding

    Paul Mancini

    Tepper cannot Officially Hire Wilks until after the Season and the panthers still have to Interview other Candidates per the Rooney Rhule per NFL Rules – you cannot simply name an Interim Coach to permanent HC in the NFL – There’s a Hiring Process

    Robert Edwards

    @Paul Mancini he’s black idiot. Negates your point

    Paul Mancini

    @Robert Edwards does not negate the fact that Panthers will have to waiting until after the Season and offer Interviews to multiple Candidates – they can Hire him but the Team has to go thru the NFL Process


    @Paul Mancini i actually didn’t know that

    Lee-Richardson Gang

    Agree…every week

shiv mirani

This man is incredible if he doesn’t win the hc job we rioting and Rooney rule deserves legit questioning

Jim Mankins

This is the coach …Period ! Hire this man full time HC !

Andrew May

Carolina’s record without Sam 3-8.
Carolina’s record with Sam. 2-0.
This team looks completely different now.
People still give him such a hard time, but it’s pretty crazy how these numbers have followed him everywhere he goes, in every season he’s ever played football.
The media was brutal to him in NY. He’s about to help us win the division. Let’s support him. Completely. He’s still so young!! Who knows how good this kid can truly become !!


    @Robert Edwards we can’t pass dumbass 😭 have u watched our games?

    Jake Gilley

    @CamALot I see where you’re coming from but I think wilks and mcadoos philosophy , which is honestly a good one is that, “if its not broke dont fix it” , run game was working all game last week so they didnt feel the need to air it out, same with the game before, if our run game starts getting shut down i think we’ll see them air it out some more.

    Jake Gilley

    @Robert Patterson ^

    Patrick Egan

    @CamALot we aren’t w passing team with Sam


    Sam darnold is fucking trash if u think otherwise you ain’t paying any attention


4:13 is where he talks about DJ Moore’s injury for those that just want to hear that only 🙂

    Nolan Burke

    OMG TY


Love this guy for head coach. Hire this man!


I’ve always said that if Sam is given enough time to make a throw, he will make a throw. That sieve of an O line we had last year just did not give anyone enough time to make a pass. With a better O line, we’re seeing positive results on both the ground and passing game.

    Chopmop Tactical

    The oline is grand….they open up multiple things


    lol last year i said it was a hole-line

Ben Watts

I only have one critique about Sam and It’s the fact that he doesn’t have trust or enough confidence in himself in general and also in his rushing ability. Dude, if it’s wide open.. take those rushing yards!!!! Practice your slide or whatever but yesterday he showed he could rush and he could’ve rushed in that one time for the TD! Other than that, I’m very happy with Sam and the team and extremely happy with Wilks. Give him the damn job! I guarantee Sam will take those chances, now, with Wilks behind him.

    Justin Carpenter

    Yea I agree sam is scared he loves playing football and for all of these people are saying Sam sucks and all the bad that people give him its time we inspire him we need to let him know we got his back the stars are lining up we winning this #keeppounding #panthernation #HIREWILKS


    Sam looks alot different then 1st year. He is more confident at the podium and on the field! I’m looking to see more!


WE NEED TO MAKE THIS AMAZING HUMAN THE HEAD COACH. I FEEL IS SPEAK FOR MOST OF US WHEN I SAY IF TEPPER SCREWS THIS UP IM DONE AS A PANTHERS FAN. He has brought this team out the 5 year funk we have been in and has more than proved himself

T Thompson

Y’all see how he addresses the fans?? He cares about Panthers fans! And OUR HOME TURF B.O.A!!!! He loves the Carolina Panthers!!

Joshua Lane

Coach Wilks is the real deal. Charlotte native who knows what The Carolina Panthers are supposed to look, and play like. He’s doing a great job so far 👏 KEEP POUNDING

Raffels Videoblog

the only press conferences I watch these days.
Please please please give this man the job longterm. I love his attitude. Always down to earth, keeps it realistic, focus on the here and now, win the day, win the next game. And most important, he is a true leader.
Let’s *win the day!* Keep pounding!

Patrick Egan

I was at both those games he referred to, he’s not lying. The atmosphere in that arena was different

sup bro

Protect the bank!!! Gave me chills this man is HIM!!! Remove the tag and take us to the promised land!!

Jesus Carrillo

We need him

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