Sterling Shepard Excited for the 2022 Season | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Sterling Shepard Excited for the 2022 Season | New York Giants

Wide receiver Sterling Shepard spoke with reporters Monday from the Giants' voluntary offseason workout program, presented by Konica Minolta.

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Let’s go, let’s win this season!


hope the WRs aren’t hurt throughout training camp


The man just lost his model wife and child to a divorce…..of course he can handle teammates leaving for new teams 🤦🏾‍♂️2:25


I hope you recover from that Achilles injury and comeback stronger

Ryan Morris

Stoked we kept Shep!!

    Kenneth Rolls

    Dude is one concussion away from retirement.🙄

Legsmagee 83

The way these reporters phrase question is so disrespectful.

Stephon Morgan

My dude let’s Gooo … BUNG !!! 💯🎯🏉😏🔵

The Earl14

As a long time Giants fan (1961) you’re one of the classiest guys to ever wear the Big Blue uniform. Myself and a cast of thousands are rooting for your return to the gridiron. Good luck on a speedy recovery.



Bruce McKenzie

Very happy you’re still a Giant, Shep

General Imlerith

We Need Shep he’s a true leader

Bobby Ackerson

Let’s Go Shep! Hope you have a huge season Let’s Go Giants!!

Beetle Juice

He’s emotional 😓 talking bout Evan almost made him tear up

Mr Toxic

And so the cycle starts again, I’m hyped for the new season, I hope Schoen kills it in the draft and we can more competitive than the back half of last year


This is the year he needs to be a captain

Rich Rucci

Hoping you stay healthy & strong this year Shepp!

carson kremlik

glad to see Shep come back. we Giants fans need good people to root for,
not just the skills, but also the high spirits and decency.

Amazing Guy

Happy he is back

Amazing Guy

Shep needs to be a captain finally

Kathleen Whitney

We want to see you do well, Sterling and all of the GIANTS! Please 🙏😁

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