Stefon Diggs having too much fun with the Patriots secondary! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Bro is using them as practice

    Dakota J.

    he is. 😄

BamBam Sam

Love this guy!

Ronald McDonald

He is indeed HIM 🔥

bruce lau


No Thanks Bro

New England will never have an answer for this guy.

〽️ichigan 〽️ade

Should’ve lost to my Lions. Wer an inch away from being contenders 🤏🏽🫣

    Razor Reacts

    Yall are close future is bright

    Razor Reacts

    Need to learn how to win buffalo knows how to win almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades

Caleb Brown

Allen can sling it. Superb WR and QB

Inces Popy😍💞

💞💞🆕…1-💞💫-Прекрасный бокс,как фехтование.Постоянно в движении,всё видит и опережает VK.SV/RISABEL соперника.Как на тренировке через усилие и к победному нокауту. Хладнокровно по змеиному и резко,как тигр,это всё мастерство отточенное годами и изнурительными тренировками.Хотелось бы посмотреть его бой с Усиком,но видимо не в этой жизни,другая весовая категория.Безусловно Дима был на две головы выше Баррейры и это факт — нокаут лишь Салют в честь и Славу Бивола Дмитрия.Слава и заслуженный пояс Чемпиона снова у Бивола.Ура!Ура!Ура!

Berg the 89th

“The genius defensive coaching mind”


AND he had a 40 yard TD BOMB that got called back. Dude was ballin

    Tony Pepperoni

    commentary said it was 60 lol i cant find the clip though.


    @Tony Pepperoni

    Tony Pepperoni

    @Wace oh okay yeah he shoots at like the 46 and diggs is a good 5 yards in so call it a 50 yard throw i guess lol


He’s so good man. Wow

Michael Bursie

Did anyone notice the first time viewing the game that Diggs got kicked in the head with a no call? You see it here at 1:12. Ref looking right at it!

    Andrew Tripp

    I noticed

    Colin Burke


    Dave Juhasz

    But the best part was he didn’t retaliate “smart” . Keep calm play on …..#14 !.


Why #21 was kicking him in the head like that ?😂 smh

Rog Star

nfl.. the epitome of class, humility, respect for the opponent and fans


Mac Jones is not a good quarterback, dynasty has been over for three plus year’s but it was a hell of a ride for those twenty years, Pat’s fans can’t complain, have a lot to be thankful for

King Musaba

He is I am him!

Big Jefe


East Coast Underbelly


Rory McNeely

Stefon diggs is him!!! 😤


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