Staley On Keenan Update & Russ Wilson | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Staley On Keenan Update & Russ Wilson | LA Chargers

Chargers Head Coach Brandon Staley meets with the media to provide an injury update on wide receiver Keenan Allen and discuss how LA is preparing for Denver Broncos quarterback Russell “Russ” Wilson ahead of the Bolts’ big AFC West matchup at SoFi Stadium on Monday Night Football.



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Francisco Javier

Staley you got this.


    I’m not giving up on coach yet and keeping the hope! BTFU!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️


    Ngl. I’m getting close there.


HUGE GAME. FOCUS ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️

michael cates

Even without bosa we have a ton of talent on defense. If we can’t shut down the broncos I think I’m over hearing about how Staley is a defensive genius.


    @GTRman909 when did I say mcvay calls defense? Maybe learn to read then you can post your clueless views


    @MediCali951 how is Sean Mcvay related to the defense at all

    Randall Turner

    re: “we have a ton of talent on defense” – red pill for you. We don’t have a pass rush without Bosa. Mack can’t go every down and isn’t as good as Bosa when he’s fresh. Half the time now we’ve got Fox and Rumph on the edge – neither they nor van Noy can defend the run OR pressure.

    Getting pressure happens when we win our 1:1 matchup somewhere on the line. We’re not doing that. That’s not a coaching failure. It’s lack of talent.

    Run defense sucks. Backfield is on average ok, but not when the opponents have five seconds to throw. Basically, stop with the “talent” bs, our defense is mediocre. We’ll have to outscore the Broncos to win.

    And their defense is legit.


    @Him idk you tell me your the one bringing it up

    Dan Deitch

    Michael Cates – if you are still unsure how Staley is so far as a head coach then you should be suspended from watching any Chargers games until further notice! Staley has been overhyped and has made some really poor decisions already in a short period of time. In my opinion this team and Chargers fans deserve better! It’s bad enough the Chargers are in La La land let alone another overhyped coach.


I swear if we lose to the broncos I will be pissed and I will be looking forward to a new coaching change because are team is to talented to be losing these games

    Teyae T

    🙏🙏Blessings forever
    GOD loves y’all too forever tell everyone you know and don’t know. Jesus loves y’all too forever. Teach everyone how to see and enjoy their blessings too foreverw


    Yea 3 coaches in 3 years for Herbert sounds genius 🤦

    Randall Turner

    We’ve got a severe lack of talent on d without Bosa. We’ll very possibly lose this game. And it won’t be because of coaching. No, you can’t have Staley’s scalp. 🤬


    @MediCali951 so doubling down on stupid is genius? Bring in Tomlin.

Otto W

He’s a good analytical guy, very smart and good about knowing the X’s and O’s but I somewhat worry about his ability to build and be proactive.


    he has no feel and lacks football wisdom


    @CP he’s 7-0 in games that come down to 4th qtr 4th down decisions

Cody Marzolf

Staley’s like (i hope they don’t ask me about Keenan Allens tweet) Bolt-up BANG BANG.


    He addressed that already lol

Wacdonald none

I really liked how Michael Bandy took over for Keenan and Guyton. Hope Keenan can get back and be ready to play! Always still like Michael Bandy!

    Joey Lewis

    Michael bandy should start as punt returner and on kickoffs, use deAndre Carter as a receiver his speed will open the field up for Mike Williams and Everett! The main thing is defense, Mack needs help! He’s getting double team almost every play! I expected more out of our dts mainly Sebastian Joseph and Austin Johnson!


    He didn’t even have a catch 😒

    LEGION 13

    It shows how good Kennan is when he is out. He opens up the run game & passing game just by his route running. You notice they have rolled coverage to Mike since he has been out.


    Maybe it has something to do with performance vs money. I don’t know why else not use the receiver that consistently catches the ball and is open.

    Juan Alonso

    @Joey Lewis Austin Johnson is oddly quite


They got lucky. Let’s not get it twisted


    We also put our selves in that position tho if we punt the ball they lose


Press conferences are just the popper show now 😂 my man is like the only reporter with a brain

    Great Dane


Mandos Stop Motion Studio

Super excited gonna watch you guys in person for the first time

Javier Preciado Jr

As long as we whoop them donkeys the team will stay together. All that talk about looking for a new coach needs to stop. This man brought the talent to us, let him do his thing.

    Caleb Sawyer

    @stacky512a As an bronco fan I’m disgusted by your comment. In all my years as a football and bronco fan I’ve never seen a coach tactically better than Brandon and I think he’s the best coach you ever have had. Back him and trust the process.

    Jake Loftus

    @Caleb Sawyer @stacky512a see that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m in total agreement with this broncos fan. He’s got the stats on his side. He’s got the aggression on his side. He has a gangster quarterback. He’s got the man who can post up defenders in Mike Will. As others alluded to, he is the reason many people came to play for our squad. He’s the man. He’s our coach. And to hear your belligerent and disrespectful remarks makes me want to tear my clothes and weep that anyone could so utterly disrespectfully and imprudent that even broncos fans are leaping to the aid of the coach that will make us competitive again not only for the AFC West, but also for the Super Bowl.


    @Caleb Sawyer hahahahaha, don’t think so

    B T

    @stacky512a He literally did, but ight

    Indiana Jones

    @stacky512a he’s a great coach


Run the ball, short pass jabs and then the deep shots ☇🏈☇

    Frankie A.

    Deep Shots, Run the ball, Short Passes.

Joey Lewis

I believe in you coach, certain calls are iffy but I think we still have a opportunity to get are defense on track. That’s the main improvement I would like to see, from the d line to linebackers to secondary

Aaron Adams

We need this 4-2

    Bolt productionz

    Would be good


    We do before KC runs away the division

Bolt Bros Podcast

Really excited to see this game! Big Balls Staley is back! LFG!!!!!

Michael Henriksen

I believe in you coach! You my coach!


Mike Williams catches EVERYTHING

Brian Everett

What you should ask him as coach do you think when the games on the line you’ll choke or do you think you’ll be able to make the right decision this time


We need this division game win. Go Chargers.


Hopefully we get Keenan he loves slaying the Broncos ⚡️⚡️

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