Special Edition: Difference Between Zeke and Pollard | Dallas Cowboys 2022 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Joseph Francis

Go Cowboys let’s go

Evan Campbell

You know what I really want an inside scoop on? How much does Randy Gregory regret that Denver move?


    @Evan Campbell wrong… his money is guranteed in denver..it would not have been in dallas.

    Tah Bajh

    @TK he COULD’VE remained with a WINNING team too, but now he’s stuck with a Losing Team that won’t be relevant anytime soon. . .

    Gregory Myles

    Just my thoughts: Some do just enough at their job to get by; others to get a raise and then chill; still others excell because they want to do their best. I think Randy Gregory falls in the 2nd example. So I don’t think he’s losing any sleep. 🤷🏾‍♂️


    Doesn’t matter cause he’s out of our hair.

    Billy The Kidder

    He’s not. Money and legal weed, he’ll be out of the league in two years.


I love these guys, great insight from former Cowboys!

Robert Glasper

I actually feel that there is away that the Cowboys organization could go get Cedric Wilson, back on his True Team..🙏🏾❤️💎🤠




What’s the difference between Dak & Cousins?

    Robert Glasper

    How about if you look in the mirror. How about black pepper and salt. How about the keys on a piano.. how about winning and never winning..🧐🤡


    Nothing, both mid tier and over paid …

Shawn Little

The thing that most people don’t seem to realize is that although Tony Pollard is an exceptional running back very explosive lightning Ezekiel Elliott is the pound and grind I’m going to go straight for you running back he still has the speed the old line has been doing a lot better this year and our defense is right up there number two to be exact we need both of the running backs because like they said Ezekiel Elliott punishes them and Tony Pollard finishes It Off that’s what you need the key to our success and Dak Prescott delivering a phenomenal game we will get revenge on the Eagles we just got to keep one in make the preparations play complimentary football defense Step Up will be just fine we’re not worried about anybody else and what they got to say let’s go Dallas Cowboys

    Gregory Myles

    @AAronBurrr Which math: the one that supports your narrative or the one that looks at both runners overall body of work this season? Making Pollard the lead back would be detrimental over the long haul.

    Gregory Myles

    @I Bring IT I agree.


    @Gregory Myles The math of the NFL. Pollard is averaging 2 yards more per carry and breaks more tackles, the things that make RBs valuable … you are too dumb to understand basic math

    Gregory Myles

    @AAronBurrr I was wondering when you’d show your trollism, with a thumbnail of Aaron Burr to boot. Fitting. Averaging 2 more yards is not the end-all. His lack of consistency block alone negates him from being an every down back. His lack of improved stamina after 4 years in the league means his average carries per game will remain approx 15. YOU don’t know foot all from a hole in the ground. Plus, being lighter than Zeke (who is still a workhorse, if need be) means he’s more susceptible to injuries than Zeke.


    @Gregory Myles I know math is hard for your ilk but 2 yards per carry is very much the end all, but you also have the fact Pollard breaks more tackles and is a better receiving back. It’s not close moron. All you morons have is blocking … what a sub 70 iq tard

    P.S. you failed basic English class as well, no wonder you work at Mcdonald’s …

Cai Vue

Zeke and Polland = Thunder and Lighting

    Kirk Mo

    Need them both for the perfect storm!!!

Jimmy Rudd

Need to be better cover corner he gets burn deep too much

Jimmy Rudd

Zeke is over

    Kirk Mo

    Go away dude your a negative nancy. Scat out of here.

Jimmy Rudd


Jimmy Rudd

Can’t pay both


Man we are lucky to have these two backs who have totally different and equally important roles on this offense.

Chris Martinez

it’s not pretty. it’s beautiful…go cowboys

Konig Khan

Pollard should be the next future for cowboys. If jerry let him go. Tgus franchise will go another 3 years..anytime Tony touches the ball that turned into Gold. Cowboys top management gotta be dum and stupid not to retain TP.
I don’t see any meaning why they should keep zeke.

Kirk Mo

Go Cowboys!!!


Tony Pollard 6.2 yards per carry
Ezekial Elliot 4.1 yards per carry

Shut it down, one is significantly better than the other. Zeke can be a fine #2 or pass blocker on passing downs …


    geez you just dont get football huh? well keep watching you’ll learn.


    @NavyVet geez you are too dumb to understand basic math, no wonder you had to join … I have more football knowledge in my pinkie than you ever will have period.


    @AAronBurrr You dumba$$ I played 12 years at every level except the NFL so try again. You have no freaing clue about football. Just because you can use a remote control doesn’t mean you understand the game. now shut up and go away, the short bus is leaving already get on it


No Zeke just flat out can’t make guys missed anymore and routinely is tackled by air lol. Who is telling him to not make guys miss lols … this show


    again, just keep watching and eventually you will learn football. You have no clue at this point


    @NavyVet stick to navy things like playing butt darts … your IQ is very low, no wonder you had to join

LTrain45 45

I’ve been saying start pollard for 3 years! Think of the money Dallas would have saved by not paying Zeke. They could have signed another star, maybe kept Amari Cooper, or added needed depth across the board.

LTrain45 45

That int was Daks fault. He should never have thrown that ball.

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