Six Stats to Know for Week 17 | Chiefs vs. Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Angel Arevalo

Yo chiefs I’m the first person to watch this

    Slim is chillin

    I’m the first person to like this comment

    Mr Awesome 360

    @Slim is chillin I am the Fifth

    Flurk :D


Cheif Kaden

Let’s Go CheifS

Mar López


Flurk :D

*Me goes in comments*

Everyone: hi

Me: ok then

Larry Hoop

Hail Ye Kingdom

Hulk Butter

Matt McMonotone. Yay.

Bonnie Keough

We’re gonna smoke em.

    Adrien Scarder

    mahomes isnt playing

    Mr Awesome 360

    @Adrien Scarder So

    Bonnie Keough

    @Mr Awesome 360 exactly…. If the Jets can bust their perfect loss season on em, we can most definitely smoke em!


    @Adrien Scarder we do still have Reed…and a roster of hungry kids who are not injured wanting to make up for what they couldnt do in the pre-season…

Yurem Jovanni

Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

Mackenzie Mckayla

Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

Kyle McQueen

24-21 Chiefs

Constitutional Offensive to Restore our Republic

Henne starting pretty much takes Mahomes out of the MVP race with Rodgers. Look what happened to the ravens last year when they did what the Chiefs are now doing. You have a bye week, keep the team rolling at game speed. Three weeks off isn’t going to help.

    Marshall Edwards

    We are not the Ravens though. They were young. Chiefs know what they need to do to win.

    Mike Stocker

    This is one of the most ridiculous comments I’ve ever seen. “Bye week bad” 😂😂


    We really need the time off for playmakers to get 100%…and hopefully the OL will be better than they have been the last 8 games…just 3 more games for them to play…lets go in healthy…


He said 1146 yard he has 1416

Gordon Trey

OMG 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Nick Fizer

It would be nice to get Deandre Baker out there to get some reps.


    I hope he surprises people too…the good side of this is we may have been overlooking a solid play-maker all year…



Douglas Lowry

Kelce is the MVP


Too bad nobody is listing exactly who isnt playing sunday…

Matthew Grisham

It’s not gonna happen. We struggle against the chargers with mahomes in the game. I doubt very seriously we’ll win this game.

KingJamie The Mad

Stat no.1

Chiefs suck at defence because of spagfail. Yes we used to be the defensive powerhouse in the league but now we let a little druggy be famous for being scared to tackle. We let the d line play like there is nothing they should do for the team and we talk about trading guys like Dan Sorensen who is our best fucking safety

    KingJamie The Mad

    Spagfail needs fired. He sucked at everything he has done. This defence couldn’t stop a jr high girls softball team

Deegan Gustavson

I’m actually pretty early.

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