Sippin’ with Screeden: Jaylon Johnson talks merch line and being a dad | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jason V

Why did this feel so awkward 😂

    richard victorio

    the host made it feel that way

    CTS Diva

    Jaylon 💙🧡🐻

I Get Trippy

lol coach flus with the leather pants shade that was good. Jaylon a cool dude.

    Amahd Cole


Amahd Cole

Jaylon is a good player on defense

RS Berry

These are so fun to watch, what a fantastic idea! I have watched them all so far!! I’ve mentioned this before, I still think the segments should be a little longer. The players/coaches appear to be so at ease and enjoy not having to answer the ‘same old football/work questions’ over and over and over. I get the feeling they would like to sit and talk a little longer as well. I always look forward to these each week! I wish they were marketed a bit more to reach out to more people. They really deserve far more views and likes!!

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