Simmons and Gordon III detail their desires for social justice reform | Training Camp Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Swank Ya Dank Highlights

I guess so

Kevin Jones

Dislike bar strikes again. Stick to football.

Jon Egger

I guess the amount of dislikes explains so much.


    I see more likes, moron.

    Jon Egger

    When I seen it was 21 dislikes to 12 likes.

Higher Learnings

Great message Broncos! It was great that you guys helped get rid of qualified immunity in Colorado. So strange the amount of hate that is getting shown by so called Bronco’s supporters. What’s wrong with y’all?


    They’re racist, but only show it online.

Whats Knew

Great work guys thank you for leading and being the change you want to see. Keep up the fight for freedom, justice and equality. I am so proud of you and happy to be a Broncos fan.

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