Sights and Sounds Week 12 | Chiefs vs. Rams – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Luke Pyle

First, Let’s go chiefs!!!!




Best in the league

Ivan Alvarado

How bout those chiefs!!

Summer Tate

Let the Bengals have it this week Kansas city let’s go

Pitt State Gorillas Slots

Chief’s should have scored 40 points just saying

    What Happened

    Didn’t they have at least one touchdown but a flag was thrown?


    Yea mahomes said he played poorly in the redzone

Zach Hord

Dub baby! Willy Gay is the man

Randy Haraldson

I love him but don’t let Pacheco dance….ever


    It’s that Jersey in him, they’re built different out there. The missing dance chromosome goes toward an extra truck stick one, it’s basic biology.


Mahomes better clean up the redzone against the bengals! Also please don’t let sky Moore receive any punts anymore, 1 drop was to much to begin with

Royce Hammond



ON that Chris Jones sack did Karlaftis shake that LT and take his ankles lol

Celtic DW

Yes indeed Chiefs……….Now let’s get ready and FOCUSED and GET…YOUR…REVENGE and BEAT THE BENGALS!🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈
Defense, you keep playing like you played Sunday against the Rams and then we can win.

Jo & say what?!?

Hey Coaches RUN THE BALL MORE WHEN IN THE RED ZONE please 🙏 Please tell Andy big red and Patrick that’s what’s best at times for the team okay 👍 Thanks 🙂 and GO CHIEFS!! 🏈


Can we please stop putting Skyy Moore as our punt returner!! I feel like he muffs it every time!!

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