Sights and Sounds | 2020 Week 16 Detroit Lions vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Roderick Villareal

I love Robert Prince

    Sean Pratt

    He really had the team motivated and ready to play, lol.

Jacob Padilla

Detroit Lions at Dallas Cowboys

    Jacob Padilla

    πŸ¦ƒ πŸ₯š


We lost by a lot but the team still seemed so passionate abput everything Robert Prince made this a great day for the players besides the score…

al hudson

Damn that’s just πŸ˜₯ sad. They had the nerve to show the Lions defense on this video smh… camera crew should’ve burned this film.. totally embarrassing

Graham Kolakowski


Carsen Khalil

Good. I wait for love from you πŸ’πŸ’–

Mark Ceja

Dont know who the coach is but I like the dudes energy. even though they got blown out he was out there for his guys. Respect.


Great, no Cook for vikings which means lions will win and screw up their draft pick.


Why even make a sights and sounds of this game

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