Sheila Ford Hamp: “I wanted to do the right thing by this organization” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Tayshawn Mason

She did the right thing

    DJ KO

    She needs to sell the team


    @DJ KO are you supposed to be held responsible for what your mother and father have done wrong in their life too then? Because that’s exactly what you’re saying.

    Kevin Bradley

    Yep. This part was easy. Firing Caldwell was a huge mistake. They owe him an apology

Mike McNally

I really hope she does the right thing for the lions 🙏 🙌 im praying for the team

    Thomas Spann

    The Ford family have owned the Lions for about 60 years.
    Since the Ford family have not learned how to win in the NFL in about 60 years it’s doubtful that they will ever win in the NFL.
    The Lions was a powerhouse team before the Ford family bought the team.
    The Ford family took the powerful Detroit Lions football team from the top of the football world to the bottom in just one year.
    The Detroit Lions football team will return to greatness only after the Ford family sell the team.


    @Thomas Spann So you’re saying you’re to blame and held accountable for what your mother and father have done wrong in thier life?


I don’t want to say it, but we screwed up getting rid of Caldwell.

    Youcancallme Funk

    4 – 25 against teams with a winning record. And you think it was a mistake ? The problem was moving on from Mayhew. And keeping Caldwell . Mayhew went to san Fran and they seem to like him alot

    Michael Jackman

    Caldwell and Patricia was same except flip flop. Caldwell end games good. Patricia start most games good lose in 2nd. Need coach that can coach 4 quarter team


    @Youcancallme Funk
    That’s all shanahan and lynch don’t b fooled.

    Youcancallme Funk

    @Ozmosis yeah , no . Do research then speak he has been a huge part of that rebuild. Shanahan and Lynch have even spoke on it . Lynch said you can tell how well he learned from his own mistakes in Detroit .

Dose of dion 2.0 fan

Its time to party


    For real it’s one year to late but thank you GOD.

    Jeremy Gibson

    Time to party? This is the Detroit Lions we’re talking about here. Nothing to party about yet.

Dino Hill

She is polite but serious about this turnaround. I like her. Go Shelia.

The boys in the hood timberline

I have been a lions fan ever since I meat football and she did the right thing

pipe layer

Whats bevell going to do? He’s screwed the offense this season get rid of him too! And give that special teams coordinator a shot! Look what he’s done!!!

    Tim Besco, RN

    Well, we gotta have someone blowing the whistle at practice. We can’t expect Sheila to do everything….lol.

    pipe layer

    @Tim Besco, RN bahahaha good point, point taken lmao 🤣

    Lemon Flowers

    I’m sure they’re gonna clean the slate come black Monday

    pipe layer

    @Lemon Flowers probably! We will see. She seems very determined to create a winning culture and winning team.

B Lov

She seems like she wants to win it’s not her fault she’s fortunate to have her family own the team and she’s just taking over and looks like she will make this a winning team I hope


Thank you, Shelia! You and the Lions have my full support as a fan again!

steve O

I’m interested in how Bevell and Undlin are going to run the offense and defense now that Patrica is gone!!!! Are things gonna stay the same or was Patrica holding them back?

    Jack Hayes

    Bevell needs to get back to the offense we had last season. It was electric.

    yayo badass

    Detroit Lions bout suck even worst

    Youcancallme Funk

    The defense might look better but bevell has had complete control of the offense since he got here . If that offense gets good all of a sudden its gonna be real suspect especially with out kenny G and having to play better teams coming up .

Bob Cagle

If she wants to do the right thing sell the team the Ford family has owned it since 1957 and they haven’t got it right yet

    Youcancallme Funk

    Question did you call Martha , a Firestone or a Ford ?

OneTime Gregory

Bottom line, he was a terrible coach and motivator. And the proof is coming from former Lions players that he coached that are speaking out about it. Great move.

Youcancallme Funk

Glad to here Wood is still around

David DeLaet

I believe she wants to do the right thing, and she did.

Jeremy Gibson

Awesome! Now let Stafford go to another team before his whole career has nothing to show for it. He could have been so much more.

Rags Riches

I love the Lions. I want them to win but it hurts so much to see them lose.

Fezzy baby

Stafford needs to be traded.

Rudy Cianfarani

PLEASE PLEASE at least interview Ed Dodds assistant GM of the Indianapolis Colts!! he’s very well respected throughout the NFL as a talent evaluator

Tim Monroe

This team hasn’t looked playoff bound since Patricias first game when we got blown out at home by a rookie qb making his first start. He never should’ve been hired.

Kingdom Citizenship

What the Lions actually did the right thing for once! 2020 has been a hell of a year. Now sign the Chief’s offensive coordinator

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