Shad Khan on free agency, facilities & the upcoming season | Annual League Meeting 1-on-1 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Katie Nelson

Aw yeah


What a beautiful clean looking beach

    Keko Hernandez

    Im sure they worked hard on getting that background perfect lol

Sheila Sizemore

So excited for the season to get here. I am excited beyond belief and I do believe we finally got it right !!!


    4 win season

    Richard Davis

    I want to be excited but I havnt seen anything to be excited about. Free agents are just unemployed players. There is a reason they are unemployed.


Rebuild back the Jacksonville Landing! It should have never left

    Rob Vinson

    I think they need to turn Bay st into a go to area like the landing …Bars, Food, live music places of various sizes…make a destination area….like Bourbin St. or Beale St. Etc….If I had the money I would open a Southern Rock Cafe with a Museum that showcased all the great acts from here and be a venue for live music.

Jaden Gray



Still waiting for that EVP 🤡


Hope they get to the SuperBowl this season



Stu Mcd

September can’t come fast enough! Looking forward to our 1st Jags game! Duuuuuvaaaal!!

Kareem Rivers

Good stuff! Go Jags!!

Pabst Grande

John needs a pair of sunglasses

Joaquin Gorina

where is that beach?

Bobby Mariani

Let’s F’N GO Jaguars!!! Doug Pederson and Trevor Lawrence are gonna get us there!!


Fire Baalke

Chase Chance

I remember many fans including myself getting the vibes that we’d be a playoff team last season. I’m feeling those vibes again and it scary


That’s a nice looking beach!

Buddy Price

We have a lot of work ahead of us….


What a load of rubbish coming out the WORST owner in ALL professional sports


Can’t wait to go 4-11 for the 12th time

Charlie Wilson


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