Sept. 14, 2022 | Head Coach Frank Reich Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mike G in Carmel IN

I’m just growing disappointed in Reich’s ability to get this team ready to play and come out strong. I’d like to send a message to Jacksonville, and I’m not confident we can put this team away. We should be able to…

    Mike Kelso. Jr

    I live here in Jacksonville and as a Colts fan it’s hard to watch them struggle against the Jags !! I hope they are ready to play the Colts better tighten there chin straps !! Go Colts !! 👍🏈


    @Ted Yed I disagree with you. Colts played with alot of heart. Cnt be making those mental mistakes that we did. We left two guaranteed scores on the field and ended some good drives because of mistakes. We’ll be fine. Idk what you and others are seeing

    Wax Pack

    He has no killer instinct

    Ted Yed

    @Stubbo242 I just watched the game and it was poor in most phases through 3 quarters. They woke up in Q4, but looked woefully unprepared before then. Agree to disagree

    The “R”

    @Stubbo242 We are seeing what we have seen for the last 5yrs, Reich is a TERRIBLE play caller and continues to lose games and let’s this team down!

Duster 340

Let’s hope you make better play calls.. go Colts

    James Boguske

    Get off the play caller and get on those who execute it.

    James Boguske

    I played for a trash coach in my career Frank and one of them trust that. It’s all about practice, drive, and execution.


    Tell me how many Super bowls has Frank won as head coach? Lol stop making excuses for his lackluster play calling and gambling on 4th and goal. If we would have had that field goal we would have won the game.

Duster 340

And take the points on 4th and goal!

Duster 340

Nice guys don’t win games.. get serious on the play calls..

JBreezy Da Don

Let’s Go My ColtsNation

Dimitri Harrison

Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready ….

Dank nasty

Questionable decisions. If Reich doesn’t get us to an AFC championship game this season he needs to go.

    Julianne Friend

    Really?? The way it looks right now, I know it is early, but the chiefs and bills are definitely going to be the best in the AFC


    @Julianne Friend colts are good enough to beat them

    Adam Hernando

    We have no receivers


    @Adam Hernando pierce is a rookie, he shouldnt even be starting but the rest are solid recievers, not elite but they can do their job fine

    Julianne Friend

    @DIEGO ALAN CASANOVA There has to be a lot of improvement for that to happen. But anything is possible, it’s early.

Jaguar ENT

That was the most unprepared game I’d ever seen. Frank be just standing there laughing at practice smh

Al Bundy

Hey Frank Next time it’s 1st and goal from the 4 yard line don’t pass it four times in a row give the best RB in football 4 try’s to get 4 yards bc 99/100 he will. What happened to common sense the heck with analytics.

    Jamil Qureshi

    He did same.thing against Bills in playoffs, maddening

    Brandon Madden

    Cry about it

Masta Blasta

​I’m optimistic Frank will continue to leave points on the field

    Brandon Madden



    didn’t know frank dropped 2 TD catches on sunday


Maybe Frank should drop the Analytics

G Trox

Not enough attention on 4th down calls being decided by how green the blocks color is


Please give Matt Ryan freedom to throw downfield. We had success and saw that our receivers collectively can get it done. This interview was funny. Frank doesn’t usually show emotion but he was clearly animated when talking about the analytics lol 😵‍💫


That seat is on FIRE lol better figure it out Frank


This guy candy coats his opinion about every player to me. He’s just too nice of a guy to be a coach man. He doesn’t know how to lead. He’s relying on MIT number crunchers on a fourth and goal use your instincts bro. I think this team is much more talented than it’s being coached. I wasn’t super excited when we got him when Josh McDaniel backed out of the coaching deal.

    Im Brad

    He’s a nice guy, not a football coach.

    Barbara Chieppo

    I feel exactly the same. I’ve never been sold on Reich and his style of coaching this team. He’s too woke and soft.

canesfam#1 Jones

If Jacksonville beats us Sunday don’t even do a press conference just pack your bags and leave Indy!!!!

Richard Bukosky

The analytics part was cool. Although the analytics might say go for it, idk that it means direct snap to Hines 😬

    Aaron Benson

    Hines wildcat last year worked everytime that I can remember. The line just failed

Corey Font

If this team is smart they would’ve gotten rid of him awhile ago


This business is a business from the perspective of TY, precisely. Man. Well wishes, he got 10k in my eyes, numbers round up!

t m

Time for a new head coach. Maybe one that knows how to coach

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