Sean McDermott’s Season Recap | “Winners Know How to Turn Pain into Growth” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Sean McDermott’s Season Recap | “Winners Know How to Turn Pain into Growth”

Bills head coach, Sean McDermott addressed the media on Tuesday, topics include: offseason evaluation of the Bills staff and roster, the controversial officiating calls during the wildcard playoff game against the Texans, the development of Bills quarterback, Josh Allen this season, filling leadership roles following the retirement of Bills linebacker, Lorenzo Alexander and looking back on the 2019 Bills draft class.

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Zachary Artis



Stephen McAllister

We Good! Great season we had no need to hang our heads low! let’s get to 12-4 next year and get a bye week!

Scott Blakely

What a class organization we have become ! So proud to be a Bills fan for the last 4 decades! Thank You!

    Dicky Diablo

    Scott Blakely we are losers and that was an embarrassing loss. We are the laughing stock of the league each year


    @Dicky Diablo we dont need negative people like you in the bills mafia

Vito Anthony D.

I need an OC who knows how to call an offense competently for 4 quarters. End of story.

    David Maly

    I’d consider Jason Garrett … Knows how to utilize a good running back… Developed Dak, has had a few top offenses, understands the strength of a good o-line…

    Gary Herman

    How many times did Motor carry the ball after the 3rd quarter?? Hmmn?

    Darrell Lovett

    @David Maly; we finished closer to the middle of the pack on offense with 9/11 new starters; 3 of which were rookies. Mitch Morse was down most of camp; we didn’t know who would man right tackle; Zay Jones was a total flameout. Continuity provides results that create winning teams.

    Gary Herman

    @Darrell Lovett agreed! My biggest concern going into season was 9/11 new starters can’t find that continuety. The coaches did a heck of a job! Next year will only be better!

    Joe Schmoe

    @David MalyThat was my thought as well. No one will wante Jason as a head coach going .500 with arguably the most talented team player-wise in the NFL. If we could snag him as an offensive coordinator that would be huge

London Stackhouse

Our defense number one go bills

Scott Blakely

Wish you would have a mic to hear the questions !

    David Dowd


Tony Dobbs

Sometimes I really wish these reporters would just for once stand up with a round of applause and say Thank You ( on air) to this coach for being so open, honest and obliging in his answers over the course of the year. He responds to the questions without feeling the need to be a sullen , salty or condescending human being unlike some of the other coaches in the NFL that I’ve watched stand at these press conference podiums . These reporters owe him a debt of gratitude for that.
He got quite emotional when asked about the obvious bad calls by the refs. Strongly emphasizing that those bad calls were not the reason for the loss and stressing that the responsibility lies with him and the team.
I totally respect that…
Go Bill’s 2020 !!

ian keen

Yes.. Gota keep most of these players.. No need for wholesale changes… Build and improve on this group

Brad G.

I’m very satisfied with the attitude this team has right now. To the @Buffalo Bills It is very important to keep and develop the players and staff we have. We will not be able to go anywhere if we clear the roster every year because it will be starting over every year from square 1. Keep what we have an build upon that. We have something special here and I fully agree with Sean. Keep fighting and come back very strong next season! Go Bills!

matthew moore

We love you McDermott, we will be back stronger next year!!!



At 14:32 …… Wrong!!!!!!!! 1000 times WRONG call ; POOR interpretation of the SPIRIT of the blindside block rule ++++ the defender SAW Cody and braced himself anticipating the hit!!!!!! That was POORLY called …and was a GIFT call.
AND ….. there’s NO stinking way the Texans played such a clean game that they were called for only 4 5 yard penalties ….. 2 of which were intentional!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT NOT NOT sayin’ the Bills played a sound second half,,,,,but playing 11 opponents + 7 refs REALLY STACKS THE DECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kevin Wilson

    I thought I was the only one that noticed the defender was facing him the hurried up and turned away by the time the block happend that shouldnt have been called thats a play on to me

Peter R

wish he was my team’s coach

Oyster Cracker

Strong message there from a great coach! I never expected anything less than that! The Buffalo Bills will NEVER STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!! I know Brandon and Sean will improve this team even more this offseason!


Already can’t wait till next year.

Show Stopper

Please fire Daboll if he dont go to Cleveland! Coach McDermott, you know the losses we had this year is because of his incompetent play calling. Look at the facts. This last game, never even ran Singletary in overtime when we had plenty of time on the clock. Daboll is only good for one drive per game. He wants to pass the ball 45 times a game and run the ball 10 times. This isn’t college ball and you have to look at it for what it is. Daboll isnt good. Atleast not as a play caller or designer. As fans we deserve better than Brian Daboll.

    Joe Schmoe

    Cleveland won’t hire him as a head coach. Theyre on drugs for even interviewing him. Brian’s not going to leave unless it’s a promotion to head coach somewhere which won’t happen unfortunately. I hope we move on too but doesn’t sound like it will happen

Andy Mandura

Its nice going into the Off Season knowing weve got the right Head Coach and GM!

Gary Herman

Love this coach! People fail to realize what a successful year this was! They were not going to win the SB! Next year is our year!!!


Love McDermott – so glad we have such a dedicated and classy buy as the Bills head coach! Go Bills!!!

James Rivera

We’ve reached in past drafts for receivers Robert foster being one of the best we need his development as well as grabbing a power wr in free agency alla aj green, pray for that and allow him to take number 1 and put brown at 2 and beasley in the slot and give them the one on one’s they can dominate in situationally we have the cap space and need to reach in free agency more then we have and show what our offense truly is.

GM 360

I’m telling you now, Buffalo Bills will take over the division 2020!

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