Sean McDermott | “Resiliency of Our Football Team” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Sean McDermott | “Resiliency of Our Football Team”

Bills head coach, Sean McDermott addressed the media following practice, topics included: injury updates, his decision to not challenge a controversial call during the Ravens game, and preparing for the road game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

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Hunter Ehrenberg

12-4 baby

    Richard Cartahena

    @charlie Walsh go back to your Ravens comments idiot

    david strano

    Well I’m for sure we will beat both Pittsburgh and new England

    matthew moore

    @charlie Walsh haha you are funny!!

Luke Main

I think they learned more and will improve more from this loss than any other game from this year or last. Pittsburgh is gonna get wrecked.

    Paul Hoover

    @charlie Walsh Read my comment again, nowhere does it say anything about moral victories or any of what you’ve said. I also never asked for your sympathy. This coach nor any player in this locker room will accept “moral victories” they actually dont like when the media brings it up. This team is young and does improve after losses. Please dont feel bad for me or anyone else for that matter because we actually know what were talking about and dont want your sympathy, nor do we want to hear your voice as much as you clearly do. Go Bills!

    charlie Walsh

    @Paul Hoover grow up Paul I was defending you from Barnum & Bailey you’ll never get it .

    david strano

    @charlie Walsh well I’m glad you can ruin the confidence of the fans and try and break everybody down…almost sound like a patriot fan giving up on the team. So im not wavering I know we will beat both teams Patriots are on a decline lime none have seen everyone say dont count them out…..I never counted them in

    Paul Hoover

    @charlie Walsh I am grown and your clearly not understand the fact that I dont need your protection or sympathy. I know football, and I know my team. You need to pay a little more attention.


Defense showed its strength for sure but I cant help but say our offense looked absolutely lost…

    Mentor Whitwicky

    itsTacoTuesday We had a run game that was balling downfield. But then……… so , yeah šŸ™

Mentor Whitwicky

Attention Bills Media reps: This is my weekly announcement that I (among many many others) cannot hear the reporters questions. Maybe cranking up the volume might work but Iā€™m not gonna blow speakers with McDermotts over modulated voice. Until next week ……// GOBILLS

    Paul Tschiderer

    Cant hear questions. Please fix.

Eliana Disanto

Keep our Heads up!!! LETS GOooooo BUFF !!!

Michael Jo

He’s an idiot for not challenging that pass interference call!! That would had been overturned and would put points on the board for us. We had nothing to loose, just thought that was a very stupid decision not to challenge that call.

    matt ehler

    We ended up needing the timeout for the fi am drive and that would not have been overturned because they collided while the db was looking at the ball.

Bill Barone

Allen looked lost out there, scared even , started turning his back on the defense, almost going down before they got there, the only way to get a team out of that D is by hitting those deep balls he overthrew horribly…

hector alvarez 77

we need to have some blitz beaters. new england and baltimore both blitzed tf out of us and turned Josh into a scared little boy. Receivers are struggling to beat man coverage. hopefully this is another learning game like the new england game. lets blow the steelers out

Adam Steffans

Bring back Duke Williams

Bobby Gray

Control our own destiny. We’ll be in the playoffs playing Tennessee in January. Rematch of the music city miracle

Chris C


Marcelo Fojo

This not down we have to come back hard and play more ruff and Defense and line back and also get better has a QUARTERBACK looking good the receivers and keep moving and OFFENSE better this is like final game we have to take each game serious if we want to go to playoff and do better you have to WIN no matter what come BUFFALO BILLS PUT THE BALLS AND REAL GAME ….AND MAKE HAPPENED


TCB in Pittsburgh.

Erin Freize

I concur with my fellow fans, get the microphone to the reporters so we can hear their questions, and get Duke back on the field!


Can not wear the Red Pjā€™s anymore?

N` chan

Drives me nuts. More runs and end arounds maybe a couple trick plays. Limit josh to about 18 throws.

    matt ehler

    If we could keep Josh to about 25 throws it would keep the defense honest and help us all around.

Paul Tschiderer

Still don’t understand why Duke Williams was benched. Please explain. Wanting to play smurfs makes no sence.

Paul Tschiderer

Don’t understand why our TE’s aren’t targeted more? Look how successful the ravens and Patriots have been.

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