Seahawks vs. Rams Week 15 Highlights | NFL 2021 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Geaux Tigers

If I were Deejay Dallas I would have been extremely mad with the refs too! That was a horrible missed call

    micky mackjack

    @Christian G your opinion


    @Oh No Bro i really wanted to see a brees brady super bowl. that got robbed from you guys

    Oh No Bro

    @JWATT yeah…

    christopher starr

    My God , the defender never looked back to play the ball , that is supposed to guarantee a flag , never mind the total interference . this game was fixed .

    S. California King

    As a Rams fan, we disagreed with that no call too obviously. A fair game is always better. I think the Rams would have beaten the seahawks regardless but you never know

F Sk

Cooper Kupp is having himself a season man, what a remarkable player

    (The Average Joe) Okey

    @Damar Fadlan Merry Christmas to you too.

    Ya boi Ryan P

    @Get Woke, Go Broke your mad


    @(The Average Joe) Okey he’s capable of get 300 targets avg -2 yds per catch


    @Get Woke, Go Broke overrated how 😂


    @Get Woke, Go Broke What referees gotta do w it ?😹😹

Adrian Kendrick

Cooper Kupp is a beast. Tough no call for the Seahawks at the end.

    J F

    Reminds me of the last Play 49ers vs Seahawks

    Damar Fadlan

    @Carlos Jr merry christmas 2021 carlos jr.

    Em R

    Tough no call, yeah. had metcalfs arm held down for 10 yds into the endzone, no biggie.


Seahawks got screwed, but rams looked like the better team out there so I’d say the win was deserved. Seahawks had literally 1 good drive the whole game

    Rosendo Parra

    @ImAmSwink doesn’t matter if u don’t score and from what I saw they only made the last 10 points due to kupp “tripping “ and the dpi call

    Erick McNerney

    @Green Earth oh please. Nobody knows how the game would have went. The holding on Kupp was subjective but a legitimate call. Not Kupps responsibility to slow down for a defender so the defender doesn’t hold. You put your hand up and keep your hands on him and he makes a move and you keep it on him in order to stick with him, isn’t that the definition of a hold? The Ramsey PI call was much more questionable I think.

    Erick McNerney

    @Rosendo Parra a trip? Oh please

    Damar Fadlan

    @DDR Rz8807 merry christmas 2021, DDR Rz8807. Stay healthy.

Animal Channel

Judges played really well for the Rams today. Might as well sine’m up. I mean seriously every touch turns into a flag.

    Super Man

    @Jack J secondly do you know what Antifa is??? Or what it means?

    Super Man

    @WildTurkey_24 thank goodness for what?? What do you honestly think is wrong with Seattle… without being racist please

    Jack J

    Not serious, are you,@Super Man? smh

    Super Man

    @Jack J not taking you serious but it was an actual question. What if I told you I was antifa??


    @Super Man there you go, and thank you! You brought race into a discussion where it doesn’t even belong. I wonder why that is – I guess it’s the only ‘card’ you have to play which from your comment seems to be something you do very often. Isn’t that right Mr. racist?!?

bruce lau

That 9th loss pretty much seals the deal with the Seattle Seahawks , it was a good run .

    Jim Bark

    Never im my life have i seenso many plays stop before the whistle blows. Its rediculas watching professional millionaires standing there watching till the ref blows whistles


    @Greg Wilber the most consistent team in the NFL in past 8 years fym What Good Run year in and year out we were always at the top of our conference our first legit losing season in YEARS and only the second time we missed the playoffs coaching was the only thing stopping us from making deep runs in the playoffs

    James Sharp

    It’s time for Russell Wilson to retire. He’s had a good career. And do y’all Seahawks fans, or Wilson fans in general, really think that a different team is going to make a difference for him? Seriously?!

Big Hoss

DK Metcalf is a phenomenal athlete but he definitely needs to improve his wide receiver skills. He lacks the ability to adjust to a poorly thrown ball and doesn’t go after it.

    Lloyd Dobbler

    Yep, totally agree! He’s got the size and strength to go up and win those contested catches. Until he learns to do that Ramsey will always have his number.

    T Friesen

    @Tysice I’ve been saying the same thing, could be a deadly running back. either that or tight end

    Wes Fields

    @Sosa I so stiff

    Dave Rome

    Its jalen vs DK jalen ia best corner in the league of course DK didn’t do good

    Owen Brewer

    If Russ and dk are on the same page there unstoppable.But Russ played HORRIBLE


I was a neutral viewer and I can honestly say that I have never seen a more corrupt officiating team than I have ever seen in any football game I’ve ever watched in my entire life!
It was back to back to back to back plays I’ve just phantom calls or missed calls in a row that I’ve ever seen! It was like they definitely didn’t want Seattle to win that game!
But I bet we’ll never hear anything about this ever again and the corruption of the NFL just keep on going!?! With these pointspreads and all the money being bet every week these referees hold millions upon millions of dollars in their hands every week and they determine on who gets it!

    Trent Miller

    @TheShadowsWithin here come the excuses. If we wanna play by that almost our entire line is either injured or has covid so I don’t wanna hear it. I say “if you actually watched football” because if you did you’d know not every game is an offensive bloodbath. Especially if they’re divisional rivals. I’m using your own logic against you. Also Rams beat a fully healthy cardinal team the week before so I’m not sure how the Rams have “sucked”…


    @Trent Miller whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night, fanatic. Enjoy your automatic NFL push to the Superbowl, just to get slaughtered by KC.

    Trent Miller

    @TheShadowsWithin Jesus Christ you people. One bad call is all it takes for the conspiracy theories ig lmao


    @Trent Miller yeah, except it wasn’t “one bad call.” But, enjoy…

    Trent Miller

    @TheShadowsWithin every team gets bad calls gone their way. That’s literally just sports in general. If you watched the game today with niners and titans. There was a bad no call on AJ Brown. It happens. Doesn’t mean it’s rigged lol


wow I still can’t believe the Seahawks didn’t run the ball with Marshawn Lynch on the 1 yard line!!


    And you never will.

    Mark Savage

    You got a beast running back. Make the defense earn it by stopping the beast. If you throw it into traffic in that area, a lot of bad things can happen. When you consider that an old granny in wheelchair could conceivably make an interception by having a tipped pass land in her lap, you need to consider that before you call that play. Ain’t no granny in a wheelchair stopping lynch.

Nuff Said!

Great Defensive plays on both teams! The first half was all defense!
The Refs should be penalized, they are getting away with a lot of bad calls!
Nuff Said!

    David Dibble

    Bad calls in this game ?? You mean every game that’s played ??? This is the worst excuse for teams when they lose. As if the Seahawks would have done anything with that call anyway. Horrible offense. Wilson would have thrown a pick right after. That play had zero to do with the Seahawks season. They suck and even if they would have won still wouldn’t have made the playoffs. I mean playoffs??? Playoffs?? 5-9 playoffs? 6-8 playoffs ??? Lmao 🤣😂

    Big Pun

    @Gary Majette They barely beat the Seahawks who suck this year the Packers would have a field day with them. The pack would spill biscuits and gravy all over their face.

    Damar Fadlan

    @Rockin Hawks have u played NFL 22 yet? Man how that game wasn’t even better than Nfl 13.

    Damar Fadlan

    @PapiTortino420 merry christmas 2021, Suspect1.

JahNuhThun Dee The One And Only

As a 49ers fan that missed PI was BS plain and simple…but even if it was called there’s still NO guarantee Seattle would have tied the game and there’s no guarantee the Rams wouldn’t have won it at the end

    Kevin Cortez

    Errbody slept on my boy kupp

    Emilio Crespo

    @Andrew no

    Lan Ho

    @Rockin Hawks – heard of him? How is his cooking so far?


    @Andrew no that call was actually close

Tyler Samuels

Stafford to Kupp and Carr to Renfrau feel like the most iconic pairings this season.
Edit:I’m talking about WRs

    TOC Legacy

    Allen to Beasley is one of my favorites.


    Murray 🏈 Hopkins

    Djwitda heat

    @Travis Mims gronk is wide receiver when did he change positions

    Vee Smell Good

    Racially motivated

    Markus Plotz

    @Mojo JoJo pretty sure he just thought about that. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Doug Farrell

I’m glad Coop’s a Ram. I hope he’s a lifer. He’s on pace to be the greatest Rams receiver.

    S. California King

    St Louis Rams fans so mad at this comment

    Damar Fadlan

    @Synco Jones merry christmas.

    Steve L

    @Sharp The dumbest call in the history of sports was to pass the ball instead of giving it to Marshawn Lynch in the Super Bowl

    Steve L

    @WildTurkey_24 the Super Bowl was lost at the end on a single play.


    @Steve L no, ther were over 100 plays that lead the game to that point. With your logic the Pat’s won on the 17th play of the game. Sorry, Hawks lost the game, they didn’t lose ‘one play.

Josh C

Love how quick the NFL is to penalize players but when it comes to refs there seems to be zero accountability. You can look at this game and see that they did an objectively bad job enforcing the rules of professional football. I think that much is clear whether you support the rams, or the Seahawks, or just love the game. The league seems to have taken a stance that there is no such thing as bad officiating because I’ve literally never seen or heard anything from them about it, even though it happens relatively often

    Damar Fadlan

    @RaiderO4 merry christmas 2021, Raider04. From Damar Fadlan.

    Charles Davis

    @Sum Yung Guy Yeah. I’m pretty sure you have had plenty of street fights. 😂😂😂

    Sum Yung Guy

    @Charles Davis 22-1, the 1 loss being vs. two people at once. So many ASSumptions out out you. Hint: bartenders Like me HAVE to know how to fight to toss out drunks like you.

    Charles Davis

    @Sum Yung Guy You’re a bartender. 🤣🤣🤣

Donald Hallin

The way the rams pushed the pile to get those extra yards against Seattle showed me there giving it there all and that they want to win and are having fun out there playing as a team luv it

Micheal Jaye

The Seahawks got screwed on 2 very important plays that changed the game and the players mindset. The holding call was not a holding during the 4th quarter against the Seahawks defense. Even the announcers were like ugh that’s a tough call and they didn’t call pass interference against the rams when the defender didn’t turn around and ran into the Seahawks receiver late in the 4th. At that point I know the Seahawks were thinking the refs were not going to give them a fair game

Salvation3088 magz

As much as I enjoy watching the Seahawks lose, this game was just filled with horrible, horrible calls! Whether a team loses (rivals or not) it’s just so frustrating watching a game when the game is not called straight down the middle! Props to the Seahawks for battling it out to the end, especially to my favorite qb (Seahawk or not), Russ!

Daniel Brady

I hope Stafford goes far in play offs. He deserves it .

Jeremy Davidson

It’s so nice to see Stafford finally shine after all the mess in Detroit. I’m a vikings fan but would love to see Stafford win a ring

Mike-ROMANS 1:16

It baffles me that Stafford can thread the needle with some passes, looking like the most accurate quarterback of all time, and then other times just throw the most horrendous interceptions

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