Scotty Miller on Chemistry with Tom Brady & Training Camp Progress | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
John Arena


Anthony Hutchins

I called this months ago… Everyone was talking Gronk, Godwin, and Evans but I kept saying just wait for that small unknown guy that’s going to go out and catch 80-100 balls out of nowhere. That’s what Tom does… He will have a slot receiver.

    Mexican Zeppelin

    I want proof that you called it! Haha, I believe you. I don’t watch Skippy that much any more but wasn’t he on the Scooter bandwagon early too? Or was that Cowherd? Somebody. I agree that he has what I think as 75 in his pocket already, but then come the weekly matchups, the competition from his own guys, and injuries. I know that if Tom had had him in NE last year he would have gotten 120 or more. This is a different operation though. But I think you’re right that he opens some eyes and becomes that great next new story, the next phenom that nobody saw coming.

stéphane A

So they say the offense wasn’t on point today. What happened?

    Vincent Wright

    If you have ever played football or actually been around a football team. It is unrealistic to have a great day everyday. You just want to have more good days than bad. Understand this.. these guys are tried of hitting each other. They want other teams by now.

    stéphane A

    @Vincent Wright Unrelated to what i asked.

    Vincent Wright

    @stéphane A ok then. If you say so.

    Austin Burns

    stéphane A well ya see, when an offense doesn’t do good… they don’t do good? Understand? Do I need to dumb it down more? Defense do better than offense on field.

    Mexican Zeppelin

    I think Miller mentioned they didn’t come out with the right energy. To me that means lethargic blocking, and that degrades everything. Probably too many broken plays with defenders beating them to the ball, and all that. Somebody may break it down later, but I don’t think players would be the ones to volunteer that info.


Julian Edelman incoming for that dislike button..

v gb

Brady got that TB12 method going for team..BA also mentioned it with hydration and soft tissue therepy with tom and alex…no one has had any mussel issues..injuries have been standard


This offense gonna be crazy the goat and you cant double evans godwin gronk and howard

Bud Cannabliss

Our 3rd followed by J.Watson

Vincent Wright

Last task for Miller .. is he durable for a NFL season .

Matthew Sams

I hope his speed shows and he lights it up this season…!

Mexican Zeppelin

Scotty seems like a good kid. I think he’s gonna sprout right up into a star soon. He has this attitude of a hard worker, and he obviously has the physical gifts. If Tom takes a liking to him, watch out. What the name Scooter tells me is that Tom recognizes that he can scoot with some good top end, and fully intends to take advantage. I’m not into predicting too many stats but I’d be shocked if Scotty doesn’t catch at least 75. With game planning the match ups on a weekly basis, and with other great receivers flanking him, it’s hard to say, but just sayin’ a sayin’, the kid looks like he has a minimum of 75 written all over him. Good luck, Scotty, glad to have you on board as a teammate of Tom’s. Come out and play hard, and he’s gonna notice.


If I had a nickel for every time I heard jenna say “brady” I would own the buccaneers

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