Schrager: Why 2020 will be a ‘good year’ for Baker Mayfield – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
DeeWright Truth in our eyes

Let’s go bake show that maturity and let loose when the season starts

George Hennen

That my qb 🤩

Jason M





    What u a fan of

    Jason M

    @BJ GAMING Browns – I’m just not wanting to hear any hype this year!

    Jacob Gordon

    @Jason M amen to that brother


Just get my boy Odell more then 6 TDs this yr and get us to the playoffs and I wont call u Baker BumFeild anymore I’ma call u Maker Playfeild

Alex Paich

We going to make the playoffs this year lets go brownies baby!

William Rogers

What the hell do commercials filmed in the off season have to do with performance? Call the spade a spade, he was not as prepared on sundays as he should have been, end of story, that happens week in week out during the season, not in June when everyone is on break! They act as though they filmed 20 mins before airing the commercials.

    Rob Tintelnot

    Its just the media bitching about commercials instead of doing their job.

Christopher G

We’re seeing a young man grow and learn. Reality is a witch, he’s smart enough to change, yet keep his persona intact.

    Jacob Gordon

    Amen to that


loved it

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cool video

Donald Price

A fine looking women can look good in anything. Nice hoodie.

Edward Oorjitham

Mark of maturity and development. Baker n the Browns are gonna have a winning season and will keep improving. Excited! Go Browns!!

Retro radio

Schrager: Why 2020 will be a ‘good year’ for Baker Mayfield
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