Say Their Stories: Alton Sterling as told by Tyrann Mathieu – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Say Their Stories: Alton Sterling as told by Tyrann Mathieu

“We’re not trying to be divisive. If anything, we’re preaching unity. We’re preaching togetherness.”

@Chiefs safety @Mathieu_Era honors the life of Alton Sterling and describes how Sterling's story underscores the value and importance of understanding and community. #SayTheirStories #InspireChange

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Ethan Turner



It’s all propaganda!

    Tony Preston

    Nihilist how do you know he’s conservative? Generalize much?


    Tony Preston if a duck quacks what do you call it

    Jose Pagan

    Tony Preston hypocrite much? You labeled someone in another comment a liberal when all he said was that there are racists in the comments


    @Tony Preston 😂 such a hypocrite dude we can see your past comments you generalize much?

    NENCY ! 25 I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!



I was watching the Dude Perfect video with Tyrone in it and this just came in my notis.



    Nikki - Porn STARS ღ*GO MY PROF!LE* ღ


Nathan Radford

Alton sterling literally reached for his handgun as the police were arresting him do ur research tyrann smh


    @Derek Savage My parents are from Poland and I was born here. Yet I am being lumped into white people that owned slaves. BLM is a joke! Lol.

    FroGGs Kappas

    Listen to the police? The same ones that have killed thousands of innocent people every day for nothing? Im sorry to break it to you but not all cops are the amazing, life saving, sweet men and women the government tells you about

    Vikings 456

    @Kubush this is completely off topic but Poland is a beautiful country, you should be proud

    New York Thunder

    @FroGGs Kappas thousands of innocent people per day?! In 2019, there were under 20 unarmed black men who were killed via police related incidents. 20<365k+ if you didnt know. Stop the cap, its obvious bias youre showing lmfao. Oh and by the way, if you didnt know, most of those 20 i mentioned were criminals or had some sort of felony. If youre gonna make a biased statement at least use correct facts lmfao.


    @FroGGs Kappas Stop embarrassing yourself.


He was a 3 time felon with a handgun

    Dee Virgin CB1

    How the police now that he is a felon? Do you think if he was a white guy the police would do the same thing?


    Kubush you said the same thing shut up


    @Kubush that’s what the NFL and NBA are doing..!!

    Dee Bee

    handgun was planted

    Sho Tohara

    Kubush welcome to 2020

Todd Fawver

Oh, look – more social justice nonsense.

    ManBearPig YT

    You’re a hypocrite with that profile pic. Did you even think before you commented?

    Todd Fawver

    @ManBearPig YT Hong Kong is truly oppressed. This guy got his head blown off because he’s an idiot. They are not the same.

    New York Thunder

    @Todd Fawver dont bother with these kids lmao their minds are too dense to understand and realize the truth.


    Todd Fawver you gone dodge what I said big man?

    Todd Fawver

    @Commandosoap777 @gej did it for me 👌

Jacob Padilla

What Team of Pigskin Pete and his Lightning Feet on?
Arizona Cardinals
Atlanta Falcons
Baltimore Ravens
Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers
Chicago Bears
Dallas Cowboys
Detroit Lions
Denver Broncos
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Jaguars
Kansas City Chiefs
Miami Dolphins
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints
New York Giants
New York Jets
Oakland Raiders
Philadelphia Eagles
Pittsburgh Steelers
San Diego Chargers
San Francisco 49ers
Seattle Seahawks
St. Louis Rams
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tennessee Titans
Washington Redskins

    YAN -23- Porn STARS ღ*GO MY PROF!LE* ღ


    Emperor of Mankind

    Washington Football Team*

    SUZY ! 27 y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Maria - Porn STARS ღ*GO MY PROF!LE* ღ


    ELSA -26- Porn STARS ღ *GO MY PROF!LE* ღ



David Dorn.

    Professional CurrySexual

    David dorn is my boyfriend 👁 he licks my hair everyday 👁


    Professional CurrySexual apparently not

    First Last

    He’s not a criminal and doesn’t fit the SJW/BLM initiative


isnt this the dude who tried to pull a loaded gun on cops?

    Montarious Pope

    Michael Man do kno how many times I’ve seen that video. He never reached for his gun. Clear Video evidence. N him haven’t a gun on him wasn’t even brought to light until weeks after the incident. Because the cops need a probable cause.

    Montarious Pope

    Chance Mueller What does the video evidence say?? A report is someone else’s account of the incident.


    @Chance Mueller You are missing the entire point. Why were the police called on this man in the first place? Because he was selling CDs at the shop and someone called him in. There was no need for police intervention in the first place. I’m blaming the society that deems any little infraction by a black person can lead to hostile armed officers coming, escalating a situation and killing a man who wasn’t a threat to anyone.

    Chance Mueller

    @chubbychuckle yet again, wrong. The police were called on Sterling because he was threatening a homeless man with his gun because he wouldn’t leave him alone.

    Chance Mueller

    @Montarious Pope fyi, thats exactly what a video is. Someones else perspective of an incident, in case you were unaware.

Dottoez -Roblox

you guys are brave for leaving the comments on again

    Dottoez -Roblox

    @NxHAN wow my feelings are hurt woah

    Real IN

    @NxHAN kid you are like five LMAO


    red88alert ???


    Dottoez -Roblox ur way too young to understand these issues, so don’t comment on them please

    Big Hek

    Why wouldn’t they leave it on? Oh the FAKETRIOTS in America telling people what to believe in….

Nathan Radford

Celebrities think these days if someone black just died, then they were a good person


    Not really weather they good people or not cops aren’t allowed to be judge jurry and executioner. We have due process for a reason it’s in the law or do you only believe in the law when it’s convenient


    Conservatives these days think that someone’s death is always justified at the hands of police. Bootlickers

    FroGGs Kappas

    If he was good or bad, no one has the right to take someone else life.

    Chris Cus14

    You reach for a gun, assault, resist and then act like nothing’s going to happen? How about just complying. Try it and see

    ELSA -23- Porn STARS ღ*GO MY PROF!LE* ღ



Hey kids! Don’t resist arrest!
This message brought to you by the NFL.

    RICHEL [f.u.с.к мe] ТАР 0N МY РIC


    Skella ! y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Campbell Connors

    You still shouldn’t be shot even if you resist arrest 🤷🏻‍♂️

Christopher Harrington

I think tonight the NFL will lose a ton of fans, just play the game and enough of the BS

    Sho Tohara

    Good stop paying these blacks


How about tell the truth instead

    H Bizzle

    @Zander J *Troll*

    The Bogganster

    Chance Mueller I’m bloody joking


    Care to elaborate?

    Skella ! y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Sho Tohara

    NFL can’t tell the truth about concussions lol you think they’ll tell the truth here!

New York Thunder

Great now say the stories of the people who worked in the medical field treating patients during this pandemic and died from doing so. Say the stories of the people in the military who lost their lives in fighting for our nation.

    YungPackerboii ESPN HIRE ME

    In other words… “ALL LIVES MATTER”


    What about the people who died for are country and our flag guess they don’t matter either just criminals


    “Help me please my grandpa is dying !”

    “That’s sad but your grandma died a decade ago what about her?”

    Is basically what you just said

    New York Thunder

    @Commandosoap777 that has got to be the worst analogy ive ever seen. In your “example”, that grandpa is still alive and on the verge of dying. This “saying their story” video is in memory of someone who ALREADY DIED. This man shown in the video and everyone i just mentioned has already died FYI. Cut the bias and see for yourself. So no, thats not “basically what i just said”


Jesus Christ is coming soon REPENT ❤️🙏✝️

    Ashley ! y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! 19OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    MYRA ! 17 y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!



Get woke…

    Marie ! y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Sarah - ღ see my video ღ Play with my tits ღ


    ManBearPig YT

    Racist people can leave and let the door hit them on their way out. The Nfl doesn’t need racist coward viewers.


    ManBearPig YT The NFL is full of black racist. Isn’t that the real problem?

    Emperor of Mankind

    @ManBearPig YT Stephen A. Smith is a racist I bet you’d keep him around eh?

Nika Ra

Thank you for caring enough to do this for him. We are our brothers keeper. 💖🌹💖 Amen.


    He got served!

Jake Thompson


Oof McGoof

Why does the nfl post this lol they should know they’re gonna get bad rp from some people. At least turn comments off this hurts my eyes.

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