Say Their Stories

"If one man, one woman, one child can move others to act, what could one team do? What could one League do? What could one nation do?”

This season, the @NFL family will honor the lives of victims of social injustice and their impact. We will say their names, and #SayTheirStories. And together, we can #InspireChange.

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Zz Sammy zZ


    X Marx the Spot

    @Emperor of Mankind you are the deranged right wing brutal maniac meme. Congrats little guy

    Ray Sosa

    @dilapidated daffodil they do…Chinese Americans ..they are harassed by fear filled people because they are Asian or as the supremacist call them “orientals”….so are Korean Americans ,Japanese Americans,Asian Americans in general because “China”

    Ray Sosa

    @_ JDP2104 _ leave him alone…Winnie the pooh has his family..he needs to protect them.


    This made me laugh, appreciate it z’s.

    Sho Tohara

    Whataboutism, 15 yard penalty automatic first down

Brow Master

NFL was brave to keep the comments on this one

    Jordan Davis

    Nobody cares what the haters gotta say

    NANCY ! 22 y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Alex C

    One Love

    Michael jackson

    Yea now I’m not a fan of the nfl

    33n 3l

    They did what the crowd wanted. Easiest decision.


Enough with lip service donate a billion to inner city education.

    Not Tanner

    [Your comment has been deleted by the NFL] Reason: Going against the unspoken rules

    Dan Chick

    If u give money to an inner city that money has to be distributed by a Democrat. Good luck with that.

    RITA ! 19 y.o , I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!


    NANCY ! 21 y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!


    Irvin Smith

    Money isn’t the issue. It’s the community

Avarage youngboy Fan

Donate money to inner cities and these busted schools then I would listen

    lady po0l

    @Tanner Layne what does blm do with the money?


    @lady po0l they give it to democratic politicians pockets😂

    lady po0l

    @Shake you’d think they’d be required to put out some sort of documentation for where it goes. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me. A lot of “charities” are corrupt AF

    Tyler Wilkerson

    smh Paul according to ESPN in 2019 28% of people in the league office were people of color. 28% is pretty close to the percentage of the US population made up of people of color. Also, somewhere around 70% of NFL players are African American. If that kind of representation of African Americans on the field and people of color in the league office isn’t enough to convince you that the league doesn’t have “love for African Americans” then meaningless protests definitely won’t either

    John Paul Mack

    @OnlineBeast05 well trump is giving them jobs instead of money


I’m just here for the comments 🍿👀

    j mert_58

    First place I went.

    Levi Kragt

    Cool name

    Frosted Ice Pharoah

    The salt must flow

1B Subs Challenge Before 2021

Only People who didn’t come from *TiktoK* are worthy of liking this

    Isaiah JP

    Why tf would tik tokers be here?! They gon dance to the beat??

    1B Subs Challenge Before 2021

    @Isaiah JP yah, I know, There are so many people from tktok

Maurice Nickless

Just don’t mention those Dallas cops names tho

Munkles Productions



    So out of all this you care about a shitty game


    @FLY EAGLES FLY I mean I do care about blm but we can comment what we want…

    Benjamin Farias

    @FLY EAGLES FLY Thats an issue the NFL has control over, though.

    The OverLord

    SuperOmnicron he is an nfl free agent and he should be in the game cuz he’s a free agent ya know

    Polo Lavish

    @The OverLord but not an 81 overall you clown.

ShaKobe O'Bryant

Who else came straight to the comments lmao 😂

    Ryan Ziolkowski

    Look stupid people no one likes

    Ryan Ziolkowski

    Alex c
    If people liked you
    You would have your own name

    Alex C

    @Ryan Ziolkowski it is my name lol stop being negative bro

    No • 14 years ago

    Ryan Ziolkowski says someone with the last name Ziolkowski 🤡


    Imagine promoting the criminals of society…

Noah Angel

Nfl down 40% calling it already wokeness

    #WhoDat4Lyfe Kris Fields

    Sounds like a Trump Supporter

    Jason H.

    #WhoDat4Lyfe Kris Fields you want war so here it comes

    #WhoDat4Lyfe Kris Fields

    @Jason H. No simpleton what people want is EQUALITY and ACCOUNTABILITY how is that a call for war or mass insurgance?

    _ JDP2104 _

    @SillyGrimReaper yeah just like the NBA and MLB…

    33n 3l

    @#WhoDat4Lyfe Kris Fields You just implied that trump supporters aka the right is racist. People want equity? Well they get it. I am a minority that has basically never experienced racism from others. I experienced unfair treatment from one group of cops but the rest have been amazing. Stop generalizing.

Rj S

Roger goodell sold his soul to Satan because money is his god.

    Jozi Yuuh

    It has everything to do with this video

    Wrinkles Peasley

    Jozi Yuuh how


    He never had one

    Isaac Hampton

    Jozi Yuuh how?

    Real IN

    @Jozi Yuuh cap

Mattie Fly

Damn. I was hyped for the season but honestly, this killed it

    No • 14 years ago

    CRANK RECORDS OFFICIAL I support the fact that black lives matter but I don’t support the organization itself


    chill, theyre just trying to respect the lives of innocent people

    No • 14 years ago

    mcfrickenwatcher what about the innocent 5yr old white boy shot by a black man a few weeks ago. I ain’t seen no news coverage on that.

    Mr. Mcringle

    No • 14 years ago lil dude had his victim arrested in less than 24 I’m pretty sure. He got his justice while people having been singing petitions just to have some corrupt cops fired

    Jordan Cortez

    Why is this a problem

Dr. Flacko

NFL: “Hey Kaepernick, April Fools!”
Kaepernick: “aint even april mf”

Rj S

I am Roger goodell Satan has made me very rich in exchange for my soul.
Satan also promised that God’s wrath would never touch me and
not to ever fear God.

Jake Fulton

They’re pushing people to their limits man

    Dwarf Mafia

    Aye wuz good , media only portraying the bad is the reason this whole Movement happened, It started with only the bad stories of Police brutality. Because a police officer pulling a black man over and giving him a ticket, then driving away would never make the news

    Aye wuz good

    @Dwarf Mafia Yes you’re correct. You are correct because not all cops are racist. But, when something bad does it happen it’s posted. Because the victim of the crime needs justice. People of all kinds of races gets tickets everyday. When something bad does happen in those situations, it’s most of the time an unarmed black person as the victim. That’s why we protest. These criminals come in and start rioting. Then the media post the riots. Then some people who watch the media make the conclusion that, “BLM is a terrorist organization.” When it’s only 7% violent. See the 7% ruins it for everybody. Just like the racist cops ruins it for the rest of them.

    Dwarf Mafia

    Aye wuz good but the Roits overweight the Peaceful protesting, such as the Good cop bad cop argument. Not to mention these “Underprivileged Black Men” are still the most Privileged Black men in the world. Especially Professional Atheletes

    Dwarf Mafia

    Aye wuz good I don’t disagree some people/cops are racist, but at the same time there are black men in Africa living in mud houses still. “The hood” is only uncultured because people living there make it that way

    Aye wuz good

    @Dwarf Mafia I agree with you. The people black people in poverty need to come together instead of killing and selling drugs. That’s the only way we will actually see true equality. As long as we still have black people in poverty. There will still be racists thinking we are all criminals.

Frosted Ice Pharoah

Come on NFL! You put a “DEFUND THE NYPD” Poster on your “Social Justice” video?

Defunding the police is a DISASTER for everyone, and is bad for black communities. Look at the results.

    Matthew Arnold

    @Broncos4life also cities are being burned to the ground because people are tired of oppressive and over reactionary policing.


    @Broncos4life The “War On Poverty” has undoubtedly been a waste because it failed to even address the underlying cause of poverty, and was only aimed at remedying the material deprivation that comes along with poverty. In New York, crime was already rising prior to this budget being passed, and such was the controversy with it, as it was a dangerous and foolish move. In these other places, you cite a single piece of legislation being passed as the cause of significant crime upticks, which is a gross misinterpretation of the data. There are far too many confounding variables at play, and unless you provide actual statistical evidence of correlation (not a single figure, but mathematically coherent datasets), you are simply confirming your own bias with relatively simple data points. There is far too much bureaucratic activity that needs to occur beyond the signing of a bill for this to go in effect.


    Matthew Arnold That’s a thick slice of bullcrap. Explain how welfare “punishes” poor people. To my understanding it’s literally just money that the government hands to a poor person for no reason. If you think it makes people too dependent on the government so in a way poor people are actually worse off as a result of welfare programs, then I’m inclined to agree. And no, poor people are not in a desperate struggle for survival. That’s an absurd lie. The vast majority of poor households have a smartphone, a microwave, a refrigerator, AC, a car, a television set, and the majority of them are fat, meaning they eat. If you speak with immigrants, many of them marvel at the fact that poor people in America are fat. They don’t understand how a country is able to achieve that level of wealth. And many of the things I just listed weren’t even available to rich people just a few decades ago. America has really softened your perception of poverty. A poor person in the US is extremely wealthy by any global standard. I agree that crime is a symptom. It’s a symptom of the 74% fatherless rate in the black community. This is largely the fault of the federal government. The resulting crime means you need police to keep these areas in check. Did you know that 81% of black people actually want either the same amount of policing in their area or more? For a group that’s mercilessly hunted down by evil cops everyday, that’s a pretty high number of people who don’t want the police defunded. Or the entire narrative is complete bullcrap and a black person is in more danger of being struck by lightning than being killed by a police officer for no apparent reason. As it turns out, black people actually don’t like living in areas where they could be shot and killed at any moment by another black person. That’s why most of them want the police to stay. “Aww the police are so oppressive they won’t let us break the law and assault them when they come to arrest us!” Cry me a river.


    F Exactly, you don’t solve poverty by merely providing the poor people with money. There’s much more to it. Your attempt to deny the obvious correlation between cities looking to defund the police and crime rising by triple digit percentage points is some incredible gaslighting. There’s no way you actually believe what you’re saying. “New York’s crime was already rising,” not by 130% dude. Do I need to spell the correlation out for you? Minneapolis voted to defund the police. Even if this means that their department hasn’t been defunded yet, they’re most certainly not receiving any support and as a result their presence has diminished drastically. Crime in Minneapolis has more than doubled. I know you want to pin it all on the riots, but that really only accounts for a handful of the crime. Directly at least. About 30-40 people have been killed in the riots in the entire country. So if homicide spikes in a particular city, in some cases by more than 100%, then we can infer that the vast majority of them are happening outside of the riots themselves. Riots mean that the police presence has either decreased or isn’t acting. You get the same effect either way. So naturally you’ll see crime spike in the area, outside of the riots themselves which only account for a handful of felonies around the country. And in Seattle’s case, we saw an example of what a city without the police would look like. Like I said, no police officers were allowed to enter CHAZ, a police precinct was burned to the ground, and crime increased by 525%. I’ve provided you with five examples of the correlation between the significance of a police presence and crime. Britain in the 1990’s/2000’s, the rise and fall of crime in America in the 1990’s, and four very recent examples in New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Chicago. There’s also LA where hundreds of millions of dollars were slashed from the LAPD’s budget and they’ve seen crime rates more than double as well. There’s also Portland where the police have all but abandoned the city, multiple precincts have been burned to the ground, and their crime rates have way more than doubled. There is a very clear correlation, nay, causation here. You pretending it’s not there isn’t convincing anyone.

    33n 3l

    Most black Americans WANT MORE POLICE OR FOR THE POLICE FORCE TO STAY. Its a vocal minority that wants to defend the police.


RIP David Dorn

    Bombblocker 1

    Blue lives Matter 👍🏼


    @Bombblocker 1 Imagine promoting the criminals of society…

    Bombblocker 1

    I’m not bro. I’m saying RIP to David Dorn (A black retired police officer)

    Brayden Peppas

    Kubush rekt


    @Bombblocker 1 I was referencing the idiocy of the video not your comment. My bad for the confusion.

Pio Wave


    Tanner Layne

    I love you.

    Talking Wedge

    I love you too

Brown Bronco

Keep this up and ill go to the XFL

    Bombblocker 1

    Reddz0 ?

    _ JDP2104 _

    @Reddz0 I’m not talking about myself. I’m still gonna remain an NFL fan no matter what. No, I’m talking about the hundreds of thousands if not millions of fans who will be boycotting the NFL. The NBA and MLB have received major decreases in ratings for their politicization of the sports (NBA’s ratings seriously dropped by like 30%). Except similar for the NFL

    Sandy Wren

    Same, people treating white people like they aliens why not all lives matter? This is racist but in reverse blacks are being praised while whites are being treated like crap. Everybody forgot about that black dude who shot the white baby in the face. You know why? Because the baby was white. This is ridiculous they acting like the nba and I already stopped watching them.

    Cole Pratt

    Reddz0 Tell that to the NBA

    Real IN



Defend the police? So when there’s a riot at one of your games who you gonna call social workers???

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