Saquon Barkley & Daniel Jones FULL NFL Combine Workouts | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Noah’s Gaming


tyrese Miller

Hi New York giant I love you guys and I’m first

    Noah’s Gaming

    tyrese Miller I was

    tyrese Miller

    Noah’s Gaming I don’t care no more so yeah

MBavaro89 : /


Abhi Naka

I love the giants pls respond


    Bruh u got Odell as ur pfp that automatically means ur a bandwagon

    Abhi Naka

    Eli-G I’m still a diehard giants fan and I knew about Odell before he was on the giants. I still respect him and I didn’t have the audacity to change my pfp


    @Abhi Naka Lol I respect that I do hope the browns do good this year but hope the giant’s do better😂

    Abhi Naka

    Eli-G yea ofc


I love Barkley can’t wait to draft him


    NFLDFS Payback TV he’s already drafted idiot

    Lorenzo Oliveira

    Vxped looks like someone didn’t get the joke

    NFLDFS Payback TV

    Lorenzo Oliveira 🤣😂😘


    Oh I got it was stupid

    NFLDFS Payback TV

    Vxped 😋

shotyshot _

Saquan we get a line you will be down field in second’s

    Richard Pilhofer

    That’s what I been saying. We can get this dude 3 or more 60+ yard runs per game EASY

    Rutik Patel

    shotyshot _ FAXS

    Nash Scheber



Bro I hope we get both Jones and Barkley in the first round somehow😰😰😰

    Richard Pilhofer

    I’m sure Gettleman can pull it off


    @Richard Pilhofer I hope so. However these teams are pretty greedy so who knows? Plus, Max Kellerman told me Jones is a third rounder, so who knows?

    Karnak the great

    Man I hope we get them too

    shotyshot _

    Bro there on are team allready


    @shotyshot _ we’re joking you bot

Muz Kamal26

I liked this

Muz Kamal26

It looks like Daniel was passing to saquon but daniel got drafted the year after😭

    Nash Scheber

    Yeah I thought so too 😂

Q dog Plays

Go G-Men!!!

Leo Stunz

I feel blessed to have them both on our team 🙏🏻

Rutik Patel

These two are gonna be a problem for the league for the next 10 years !!

Argenis Lugardo

That dime! 1:23

ThatOneGuy 123

#OnlyAGiant 🔵🔴

Jeffrey Abbey

Hey Giants stop pairing these two

One’s a stud
One’s a dud

    TJ Criares


    Malcolm Harrison

    Who’s the dud? The idiot who wrote this post or the parents who birthed him. Jones is legit. Can’t do much if your line don’t block but again you clearly don’t know that or football.

    Flymoolah man 27

    So here’s a guy that has never watched any giants football at all

    Nash Scheber

    You hated Jones since day 1 you cant accept you were wrong about him . Every post about Jones I see you hating on him . Maybe you should be a Redskins fan and ride the Asskins train like you always have . Also dont come back when Jones & Barkley start bringing us rings and championships

Giresh Meghan

I need this beat ASAP chief.

Bot Snowman

Saquon and Danny look fire

RoguePepper 9606

Bro imagine both of these guys on the 2020 roster

Flymoolah man 27


Jorge Rodríguez

Next great duo

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