Sam Darnold Video Press Conference Call | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Will 005

Sam darnold is a beast

    aspiringauthor Erin Rail

    Yes he is friend! Go Jets!

Connor Lynch

Sam dont leave us please

    Clark Hardin

    I think rookie contracts are 4 or 5 years

    Sam Allen

    @Connor Lynch he’s literally on his rookie contract😂

    Mr Friez

    Clark Hardin have you ever heard of a contract extension

    Clark Hardin

    @Mr Friez I have but that’s not going to happen rn

    aspiringauthor Erin Rail

    most likely he’ll extend his contract, seeing as everyone loves him


Future top 5 qb Sam

    Moto GP

    Chris more like top 5 draft bust…


    Moto GP u obviously dk football so it’s no point to even argue with people like u but let me guess giants fan?

Connor Lynch

Sign juju when his contract is over

    Dino's Games988

    Connor Lynch I like that idea. Have them reunite

Jay Boy

Stay healthy sam


have fun with becton and mims my guy!

use them wisely

Jo Malone

yeaa sammy!


What a Professional. About to turn 23 years old. Bright future for the JETS lead by Sam.

Ok Ok

Sam looks more muscular to me

Nick Hunter

Sam “umm” Darnold. 😂😂 jk. Gonna have a breakout season this year I can feel it. Best QB in the AFC East ✈

    Pouncing Panther Pucks

    Yo everyone says that constantly. I dont know why. Um, um, um, um! Hilarious

    Seamus Flannery

    It’s more “uum” than “umm”

    George Burke

    Bills fans: JoSh AlLeN iS tHe bEsT qB iN tHe AfC eAsT

    Brandon Baryluk

    He definitely does interviews like a young player

    Frank T

    Inexperienced public speakers are uncomfortable with silence so they develop the habit of filling the void with the likes of “um” and “ahh”.

Eric T

The offensive line has potential for MAJOR improvement and when that happens Sam is going to light some people up. Also the defense is going to kick some serious butt this year.

Jeffrey Lutley

Go get em Sammy boy !!!!


Realistically fixing a team in 1 season with the amount of picks we had this year is unfair to the front office, I think they address a lot of issues and also stayed poised, not making stupid decisions we normally jump at. Slower build but also stay competitive

ron b

He knows all the right things to say. Very smart, very humble.

    Dasheawn Davis

    See that’s the thing that catches me about him.. even before the unbelievable throws he mas on the move and on top of that ..he mad two throws while getting hit and falling

    Moto GP

    Too bad he STINKS

    aspiringauthor Erin Rail

    I know! I met him twice, and I talked to him, really nice kid. What’s great is his eye contact, he really looks at you, and listens. I hope to meet him again soon! I miss this kid! He’s my hero! Go Jets!

J. E.

Sam ball out this year


third year’s the charm, go gettem Sam

    aspiringauthor Erin Rail

    Yes friend! You said it!

Dino's Games988

Aaron Judge and Sam Darnold: The next generation of New York stars with a ton of class. Leaders of men

Dino's Games988

He looks like a certain serial killer who works for the Miami Metro PD

Anthony Russo

Am i the only one that’s really obsessing over how his house looks like a museum like dude buy some furniture…does he sit on the floor an watch TV ? Where’s the couch?

    Frank T

    He probably bought a house that is too big for his current needs.

Bible Time

Deflecting all questions about what he expects from himself this season. Smart approach but I’m sure he has something in his mind that he’s not saying. Seeing him brass once in a while would be a breath of cold hair.

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