Sam Darnold Postgame Press Conference (vs. Bills) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Keep ur head up Sam



John M

Bend over Mr Johnson. Take another poke from Gase and Peyton.

    Joe Harlem

    Im starting to think he likes it lol

Michael M

Woody and Chris have NO business owning an NFL team….if the weren’t born into money they would be slinging burgers for Rutgers students…..

    Schnooks Dad

    the jo-bros would screw up burger slinging too…having billions of dollars is not a qualification for anything


Jets got beat today by field goals! WTF?

    Anthony Caputi

    6-2 score game, only an 8 point spread, does that reflect worse on the Bills or the Jets? Asking for a Bills fan friend.

Caylen Hunt

It wasn’t sam’s fault the O line in the second half didn’t do their jobs. Sam keep your head up. The Jets just need everyone healed again and see the offense back in action.

Patrick Cardoso

Poor kid. GL wherever they trade you.

Patrick Cardoso

Also I wish you were as calm on the field as you are in these pressers.

    Cheng Moua

    I mean, he knows he has like half a second to get the ball out, and the receivers don’t have time or just can’t get open fast enough

Patrick Cardoso

When you look at the film do you look at yourself and how frantic you are>

Sean Kenny

Sam is a great guy, not a franchise qb. A good backup. It is his fault when he makes dumbass decisions and throws picks.

    Salvador Moronta

    You are right also he has to pick up these blitz and point them out to the Oline and dump the ball on those broken plays like every QB is supposed to and stop turning the danm ball over.

    Kai Wong

    Sammy boy is comparably a success when placed side by side with Josh Rosen.


Fuera Darnold! No tienes carácter!

Joe Scarpelli

This team invents ways to lose

Tyler F

Dudes still seeing ghosts





Salvador Moronta

He tried to force one in there he threw the ball right into the other players hands a couple of times he is lucky it was not 4 picks.


Some quick math on the game: Darnold had 29 dropbacks. On those 29, he was hurried on 11, sacked on 6, and had 6 passes knocked down. That means only 7 of his drop back were unpressured, clean pocket throws. I know he has his faults but his situation is far from ideal to allow any QB to grow. Even if we were to go for Lawerence, he won’t succeed in this team if this continues. Just like Bell and Robby, look for Sam to do well if and when he arrives on another team.


Top 3 reasons for failing since 2010
1. Lack of vision and direction
2. Conflicting general manager/coach goals
3. Poor drafting and development from coaching staffs


QB Josh Allen is 5x better than Darnold. The Jets drafted the wrong QB in 2018. Allen and Darnold are not even close. One is a Franchise QB, the other is a Certified Bust.

MeTHoD *

You got a whole lot to learn from that second half. #Embarrassing 😂


Poor glass mono ghost boy…

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