Ryan Tannehill had his way with the Packers Secondary! – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Tannehill is looking decent this year so far

    Titan FTW

    @JordanSlash 333 yards


    @Titan FTW only 1 INT haha

    Titan FTW

    @JordanSlash usually more like 4 ints

    JJ the Enton

    @JordanSlash It shouldn’t have been a passing play, but Tannehill didn’t see the second defender in coverage. That was on him.


    @JJ the Enton he was looking off left to come back right and Douglas dropped immediately. Also the corner covering Burks was in the way of the ball as well. Sure Tannehill shouldn’t have thrown it, but the play should never have been called.

Douglas Walker

great win by the titans, but would be really surprised if joe barry was still the dc after this season, we have one of the most talented secondaries in the nfl, but somehow he draws up a scheme to make them look like practice squad players

    Bridge Laurie

    Packers had the 3rd best passing D coming into this game and made the business decision stop Henry and Tannehill made them pay that simple


Without Ben Jones and with a makeshift Oline … hell yeah!! Titan up!


1:51 why include that?


    It was ruled a TD


    @TLO oh

Jordan Aguero

Kirk Cousin’s cousin just did that!

Jackson Bjorkman

Gosh darn it the packers suck this year 🤦‍♂️

    Giffond Hall

    to make matters worse the cowboys lost to this team smh


Packers fans thought they were gonna have a winning streak😂😂


Tannehill without Derrick Henry = Mac Jones


    huh your a casual lol

    Captain Cortez

    Tannehill w/o King Henry is still Tannehill.

    Sometimes he does magic, other times… not so much.

    Opinionated Petunia

    He got the 1 seed without Derrick Henry last year so that makes no sense

    Titan FTW


The Gaming Chef

Am I the only one kinda worried on that TD pass to Hooper? Lol. I thought he never had control but the ball also never touched the ground for a second.

    Bridge Laurie

    The first angle for sure looked INT. But first replay it was clear TD


His way huh….😏

PackOnly Podcast

The Tittle bro 😭😭😭

Yam Brown

Packers are done see you next year 😎

    Giffond Hall


Giffond Hall

so tannerhill cant outplay rogers but dak cant? am i missing something?

    Titan FTW

    tannehill is a beast

Al Gernon

Let’s give Great credit to the Offensive Line, they played outstanding tonight.

The Gamer 91

Titans fans really wanted Willis over Tannehill. : |

    Titan FTW

    because of that playoff game he choked and malik will be good later


Titans did what Dallas should have done.

Soggy Kid

Packers are gonna be bad for awhile

Leondis Williams


Dominick Ramirez

As a fins fan I’m happy for tannenhill doing good in all his years in titans

Zion PA

Ryan throws Darts 🎯🏈

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