Ryan Nall: ‘I’m just gonna stay ready’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Alex H

1st (and maybe last) to make a comment – GL Ryan

Kevin Pelletier

Wow these questions are bad

King Nigey

Good to know you convinced the dude thats about to take your job to come to bears. Hipe this the last season i see this guy a Chicago Bear. He is what he is just a PS guy can’t make tea for a reason. Lets GO ARTAVIS PIERCE


I’ve been waiting to see him get some reps in the games. Get him some touches and he’s going to produce. He always has. I think he can be a top 3-4 producer on this team IF we get him some passes out of the FB position. Then get him a few runs from FB every game to keep the D’s true. Teams have been successful running the i-formation the last few years because D’s are so used to playing against the pass. They forgot to key the FB (the basics). Spread the ball like SF.

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