Ryan Kerrigan Talks Washington Name Change – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Washington Football Team…. LETS GOOO


Hail to the Washington football team
Hail victory
Football players on the football team

Nathaniel Miller

He most definitely cappin

Klos19871 Klos

The traditionalist in me is still angry that we are changing the name from the Redskins but if we have to change it Redwolves gets my vote. The logo should be similar to the traditional (R) logo with only a slight variation.

    Das Elementum

    Stripping the team of its Native roots will cause me to forever boycott and never watch the nfl again.

    It has to be a Native name or I’m out.

    Fan since 1985.

3rd Street Pictures

Hail to the sports team

Das Elementum

Hail to the Washington Not-Racist Maybe-Trans Pro-Black Anti-White Politically-Correct Pro-Communist Football Team


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