Russell Wilson: ‘We are at a low moment right now’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
California Dreaming

I think there’s only one way that Russell Wilson can athletically survive in Denver. I think he’ll have to agree to tear up his contract and take less money — way less money — then maybe have a bunch of incentives placed in his new contract so that he’s paid if he starts to perform. I think this is possible because it’s basically what Jimmy Garropolo did in San Francisco. But if something like it’s not done his teammates, the owners, and the people of Denver will just hate him. Other than that maybe Denver could trade him IF they would throw in a bunch of picks too so that another team would basically just be “buying” draft picks, just like Cleveland did by absorbing Osweiler’s contract. Problem is, the Broncos don’t have many picks for a couple years as they gave up all those picks to get Wilson. It’s an absolute mess though because there are no winners, no matter what happens. If I were the GM for Denver I would be willing to accept all ideas from anyone because I really don’t have many ideas myself, and I’ve been watching NFL football for 50 years.

    Wash Redskin

    @Marie2 FYI.. It’s not his job to care about the fans. His job is to play QB it a high level. He is failing at that right now.


    @Wash Redskin I agree with you on that. Time will tell but right now the fans who sit in the stadium will let the owners know how unhappy they are.

    Quentin Anthony Anderson

    Lol he would get cut immediately if he reworked his contact. The only thing saving his career right now is that contract. He has two more seasons to figure it out, which is unbelievable leverage. The only player in NFL history with more leverage in a shitty situation is Deshaun Watson and that’s because he essentially has one more guaranteed year than Russell. But nah, he ain’t reworking that contract because the Broncos would instantly look for an out. That would be their ONLY incentive for reworking it – to make it easier to cut or trade him ASAP.

    Wash Redskin

    @Quentin Anthony Anderson the thing is in no kind of business if someone is giving you a ton of cash and it is guaranteed, and your performance falls off, you’re not going to say, ” hey company x, sorry I am not doing that well, here’s some of your money back” lol.. these fans crack me up. these players are risking their future health to be out there. look what happened to alex smith? he almost lost his life cause of a severe leg fracture. he is lucky to be alive and lucky to actually still have a leg. his leg is mangled for the rest of his life. guys are having brain issues. knee and hip replacements. i was there the night Joe Theismann broke his leg, and some of you want him to restructure.. smh… c’mon, stop thinking about your own feelings for once.


    @QuentinAnthonyAnderson  So true, in any sports I have never seen an athlete rework a signed contract. My opinion Wilson will be staying in Denver for at least 4 years. The Broncos better find a HC with a pair to deal with Wilson. Or the Broncos can sit Wilson every game , but he will still be paid. Paton definitely screwed the Broncos Organization by signing Wilson long term when really he didn’t need to do that for 2 years. Hackett and Paton will be the fall guys because they are the only one’s the Bronco Owners can blame.


Every time I think we’ve FINALLY hit the turning point and Broncos can get back on track for next season sake they make sure to prove me wrong


    The only “turning point” for your team this season was when we found out just how bad Russ and Hackett are 🤡

    Hanky Hank

    Looks like Wilson forgot about doing his high-knees exercises…. 🤣

Jay S.

Carson Wentz still has more TD passes than him and he hasn’t played in almost two months… A quarter billion dollar disaster 🤦🏾‍♂️


    Terrible Wilson 😮

13th Man

Thank you for leaving the best years of your career with the Seattle Seahawks.
We Love you 💙💚💙

mike woodward

This guy has the same post game speech structure for every loss. 1)” We have to be better” 2) Bring up certain players that had a good play and talk endlessly about it( use hand gestures to show routes being run) .. 3) Talk about my past success in the NFL to establish credibility and basically divert attention away from the question that was just asked about my failures.. 4) Tell everyone how hard I work and nobody works harder( high knees on airplane) and that I embrace all challenges. 5) Say its starts with me once, then say WE and US the rest of my statement. Lets Ride

    Deborah Slaughter

    Never turn my back on our QB. Stop with your hatred, negativity and rude comments. Everyone acting like this is the first bad season for the Broncos. We haven’t been in the playoffs since 2015. He’s a great QB. The ENTIRE team needs to step up, NOT JUST Russell.


    @Deborah Slaughter lmao, pass what yer smokin

    Travis Bickle

    He’s a robot for the NFL simulation

    mike woodward

    @Deborah Slaughter Deborah got her Team 3 Russell goggles for xmas to watch the game and forgot to take them off this am


    Haha great insight on his structure… Russell is unauthentic and holds zero accountability. He should be saying his accuracy issue, his lack of pressure awareness, reading the field wrong… etc


i like how he takes responsibility unlike Zach Wilson

Nate C W

This team is feeling the heat because we’ve hit a new low so many times we’re nearing the earth’s core.

    Hanky Hank

    Also, Russell Wilson is like Jennifer Lawrence—- OVER HYPED and OVERRATED!!

Elliot Long

God damn I don’t miss this guys post game speeches at all. Man is a robot saying “we got to have amnesia” for the 100th time 🤣🤣🤣

    Dino Rosga

    Why are u do worried about it


    @Dino Rosga seahawks fans have catapulted themselves as the most insufferable people you can be around

    Elliot Long

    @Jacob’sLadder If this all went according to y’all’s plan we hawk fans wouldn’t hear the end of it 🤣 now since it’s flipped y’all can’t handle it 🤣🤣


    @Elliot Long speak for yourself you empty bag of chips

    Elliot Long

    @Jacob’sLadder That was brutal

Jonathan Pollard

Russell Widon taking a firm stand on the obvious platitudes.


About to end the season with as many interceptions as bathrooms 🔥🔥🔥


He looks defeated. Never seen him like that. I really hope he turns it around for the Broncos. He did his thang for us for 10yrs. I would really hate to his legacy go down the drain if he doesn’t right the ship

    Tinny Nickel5730

    Not the same Russ at all. Text book grass not greener….Russ learning it the extreme hard way.

Dr. Bombay

Still there for my team our fans and our city no storm ⛈ can out last my love or my fight for my team 1️⃣


    I know that’s right! Mile High City no matter what! Colorado or nothing! 🍊💪🏽

Tamar Ricci

He was a young good QB that got drafted on a Seattle team that was Superbowl caliber. He doesn’t have that kind of talent around him anymore and he isn’t all that good like he use to be. The fundamentals were never really there, and it shows.
He was crazy going to a division that has Kansas City and LA Chargers. Those two teams will dominate the next several years to come.

    Tinny Nickel5730

    He owes Pete at least half his contract…..made him a very rich man. System QB 100%

    Wash Redskin

    When he was drafted in 2012 Seattle was a play off team but Russ was a big reason they became a SB team. The chemistry was there. Zero chemistry w/ this team. None. Plus Seattle had a dominant run game. Denver needs to try to go that route. Run game first and hard play action off of that. Got Russ back under center a little more. Also it looks like Russ has lost his mobility. What a mess.

Irvin Vanderbilt

Es lamentable sé hace lo que sé puede las derrotas ya duelen menos de todas maneras ya no sé aspira a nada creo que un record pésimo de 4 – 11 ya es de preocupación y de mucha pena pero sobre todo de tristeza por no estar en lo más alto como pasó paso en 2016 en fin a seguir apoyando.


Unbelievable how bad he is playing this season. He hasn’t been this bad at any time in his career. Seems like the OC should be able adjust something to get him back on track. It’s just crazy.


I feel like he’s forcing himself to be positive but truly has lost all confidence in his ability. Sad to see.

Cristian Montanez Yanez

“A lot needs to happen”… like what needs to happen dude, same talk every week and its just frustrating hearing the same thing over and over again

Cops Are Bozos

Way to go, DFs!
We knew you would do it.

Karyn Haines

Russell Wilson is a bust at this point. That wasn’t Hacketts fault but we are stuck with him and that’s managements fault. We need to draft a qb we can actually develop vs Fangio who had anger issues. Shut up Russell Wilson! You are a huge problem!

Daos Dresari

Unpopular opinion, but Wilson was never very good. He was carried by a strong D and amazing rushing game. Despite that, they had a low scoring offense.

Sure he made great scrambles but a lot of his passes relied on throwing the ball up for grabs to really good receivers who found ways to go get it.

Now he doesn’t have that and he’s exposed for what he is.

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