Russell Wilson leads Broncos into season finale against Justin Herbert and the Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Beat the chargers, go broncos


Just show some heart
Show some fight
Play football.
That’s all we ask for


Wilson movie protagonist speeches are tiring. The game tape is the real story.


If the ravens lose before the game I only see the chargers playing their starters 2 series for both offenses and defense

Stephen Trudgeon

Give us some hope to last us over the next 8months🤞🤞😩😩

    Mario Lewis

    Dude that 8 months is nothing, that’ll fly by in no time. Next season will be here & you’ll be like ‘Damn already’ have A little patience.

    Stephen Trudgeon

    @Mario Lewis If its another season like this one it can take it’s time coming!

Thomas Smith

Going to my first game tomorrow! LETS GO BOYS

Scott Baxendale

Game 16 into Wilson’s 1/4 billion dollar contract and all that is left are moral victories. That is very telling.

    Will I Am

    And you’re just hating on Wilson. What does that say about your moral judgment?

Mario Lewis

Put that Muscle to the Hustle Russell


With trash Russ leading us… We be always down looking up! Prove me wrong tomorrow please! Side note- your 3 are 💣

    Will I Am

    You’re spewing trash with the trash talk about Wilson. He will be great again.

Will I Am

Russell Wilson will be great again. Just build a pro caliber offensive line and running backs and he will get the team back to the Super Bowl

    Douglas Lee

    The line was better than the Seahawks.
    Russ creates bad OL performance with not following plays and holding ball too long.

    But, sure, just get everyone else to be the best at their positions and Russ will be just fine.
    It is what got him this far.

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