Russell Wilson & Justin Simmons on 2022 goals, what it takes to be great & more | Extended Cut – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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See you in Seattle Monday night !!!!

    Simon Copeland


    Kamal Abdalla

    Ofcourse you gonna see him in Seattle

Pro Sports Outlook

Wilson is going to have a great season this year! He is still one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL!

Alex Saucedo

Let’s run it!! Win The West!!! 🧡💙🧡💙

Z Caldwell

Can’t wait to see this team great again after these past 7 years we finally got a team to be excited about again. Let’s go

Its Strez

It’s reassuring knowing that Justin is a Crocs guy.

Michael Sequenzia

That’s two impressive humans right there. Talking about leadership and making their communities a better place. That’s exactly what those men are about. It’s just a bonus they dawn the orange and blue!!

    Seth Tenrec


Tyrese Johnson

As a broncos fan can’t wait for this season

Francisco Joaquina

A band of brothers will succeed. Go BRONCOS!

BestBananaBoi Lol

The secret to Simmons success is his crocs

Bill Bell Ell

Endless belief, what a concept

Bill Bell Ell

With Russell Wilson’s vote, maybe Simmons can win the WPMOTY award.

Irvin Van Vandebilt

GO BRONCOS GO Russell Wilson 😎

Jemel R

I loved this conversation…I hope this is only the beginning of a wonderful dynasty! I hope the camaraderie continues to grow and solidify as the team plays and learns together!

Cedric Greene

Russell Wilson has to get the MVP. He is capable of doing just that. I am very happy that he is a Bronco.


    he’s so underrated, we all know when nathaniel hackett was in green bay that AROD had back to back mvp seasons so i can’t wait

Brian Bell

Good luck Russ! Can’t wait for your return to Seattle in week 1!

Captain Moretokin

I hope that this new era will produce a caliper of players who dont trash talk on the field during the game and just keep the focus at hand . Winning the day and play like champions . Being a trash talker is a waste of energy and brings negative vibes. Like i said , stay focused on what you have to do to be the best and stay on the positive . There will be some losses , but we do it as a team . Learn from it and play Denver Football . We have a unique Team and fans like no other team in the NFL. Cherish every minute , every play. Have Fun .Think about it….. You are a Denver Bronco . Orange and Blue Through and Through. p.s. side note for Russ go to Seattle and Tell Drew Hello from all of Denver, we hope the best for him , After we Win of coarse.


I wanna see an NFL game but everybody wears Crocs.

Brandon Barrett

This Broncos team is going to dominate every week this year offense and defense

Brandon Barrett

Men of the Year

Gloria Avalos

So much respect for these men. I’m so proud to be a fan.

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