Russell Wilson: ‘I’m excited about where we are going’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Wardell M.

Im proud of you Russ, the o line let you down!

    Lego Stormtrooper

    especially on the 4th and 2 when they thought KC went offsides 🤦🏽

    Cam Rocko

    ya nice loss lol

    Makua Harvey

    @Lego Stormtrooper And left Chris Jones untouched 💀

    Lego Stormtrooper

    @Makua Harvey fr bruh 😂

    1st Amendment or Die 1776

    That’s just not true.
    Go look at the numbers and you’ll see the oline gives him just as much time as any other qb.
    Russ has the fourth slowest release in football.


Hell of a game today Russ keep it up!

E.M. Stonestreet

Love you Russ. From the very first snap, the offence looked totally different today — energy, effort level, everyone in sync, etc. Sunrise is about to happen.

    Austin Gonzales

    @David Younkin bro has 4 years left buddy of his contact like fr wtf are u talking about.

    Austin Gonzales

    @David Younkin do you even watch football did u even see how good he actually was yesterday if it wasn’t for that pass interference call on Sutton Wilson would of won us that game so STFU about Hollywood Wilson isn’t going anywhere anytime soon buddy stay mad


    @Austin Gonzales homeboys trippin💀💀

    David Younkin

    @Austin Gonzales I have watched every sorry game and being good two or three game a season is not impressive to me

    Austin Gonzales

    @David Younkin lmfao u act like it was all Wilson’s fault buddy after they fire Hackett Wilson looked like his old self buddy go rewatch yesterday highlights buddy if not just STFU Wilson gonna be cooking all next season stay mad

Unknown God

It’s always nice to see him happy.



Nicholas Quintana

Russ you played well today my brotha! I love how you keep fighting man it’s inspirational no matter what anyone is saying around or about you. You keep your head Down and stick and trust the process, we had a rough year but honestly if you don’t win the Super Bowl, you loose. So this year we lost, but i trust where this is going, your starting to play good football, let’s get an o line, our guys back healthy… we making the playoffs next year!! Love you bud keep pushing

    Michael Stewart

    Guarantee they won’t even make the playoffs as long as Wilson is QB.


This dudes photo memory of every play impresses me every week


He really showed awareness and emotion in this presser. It felt different. Even choked up at the end when asked about his teammates standing up for him. That’s my QB


Great game Russ, I’m not going to lie the last game had me scared a bit but that was a hell of response from the team as a unit. Also the refs defo had money on the game we should of won.

    Kelsey Cook

    I worked this game for the chiefs! Great game!!

Natalia Mendoza

This guy chocked he has finally learning the way we all learned. You Broncos keep talking and expecting results he didn’t perform at the end at seattle we took it cause he’s a good guy. You play games to Win though. Goodluck Broncos fans making excuses for him

Jose Gonzalez

The future looks very bright and promising for the Broncos.

    Tim H

    You’re deluded!

    Paulo Henrique Pinto Felix

    Very bright? The guy has a horrible season, plays well against one of the 3 worst defenses in the NFL in DVOA, which made Davis Mills two weeks ago look great, and the future of the team is bright? Many fans are really desperate!


    Sure… after they purge the roster of a decade of horrible John Elway drafts and this quarter of a billion dollar albatross quarterback.

    Michael Stewart

    If your expectations for the future are 6-7 wins, then yes, the future looks promising.


    @sdsmt99 John elway is responsible for every Super Bowl in Denver chill on the disrespect

Aaron Gameros

My qb 🧡💙 I’ve been by your side since day 1, Russ! Through the negativity and ups and downs, I know you’ll bounce back from this next season and I’m excited for it. You played a hell of a game today


    @Michael Stewart alright negative Nancy.

    Michael Stewart

    @Jacob ok Delusional David

    Aaron Gameros

    @Michael Stewart okay fake fan


    @Michael Stewart lol good comeback. Just say you hate the broncos and get off the site.


    @Michael Stewarthe here just to drag Russ he is a HOF QB and he will find a way to bounce back it’s not about getting taller or faster it’s about him finding his way and from the first game to this game he look totally different so yes the future is bright give it next season or the season after super bowls are coming #Denver nation

Pino Handmade

U all played ur hearts outs❤️… tenacity all the way 👍👏!

Tan Pham

Love you Russ know that you’ll bounce back.


Much love Russ been watching you your whole career. Always will be a fan

Allen Townsend

MY favorite player, I love him and his dedication, we’re gonna be good.

Denver Shadden

It has definitely been a rough season for this team but I am so thankful to have such a great player and person at the QB position. Stay in the fight Russ, we believe in you

Alejandro Masias

Stick with it Russ!!! It’s how you live and bounce back through the bad ones that makes you a true quarterback and leader.

Poet Anderson

I’m PROUD that Russ is my QB. He cares and he is going to prove the doubters wrong.

Marc Huynh

I believe with this new interim coach, will do well. He seem to take no craps, and his expectation is to go out there and do your job. He doesn’t care how much you get paid…he only care they do their job well as he is as a coach. He’s not buddy buddy like Hackett with Russell. I think this coach is fair and partial. And I believe this team will head to the playoff next year 110%

Irvin Vanderbilt

GO BRONCOS Russell Wilson merece una segunda oportunidad creo que hizo un gran trabajo a pesar de que no sé ganó.

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