Russell Wilson: ‘I’m excited about what’s ahead with this football team’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Honestly, reading all the negative comments from broncos fans about Russ, I hope they go 3-14 this year. For Seahawks fans, the Seahawks are not going to the Super Bowl, at most they might make it to the divisional round before they get eliminated. Media reporters, the negativity gets pretty old and bagging on Russ is not that entertaining. 💤


    @BugzyBullz I know there were a lot of doubters this season, but I expected Geno to get the starting job and play well. The Jets were a terrible situation and if he was good enough to play back up for Eli and Russ with a impressive passer rating besides needing to improve on his ball security, why couldn’t he be a starter? Drew definitely needed more time, especially with what was going on with the Broncos coaching staff. The Seahawks just have amazing coaching bottom line. Russ could have stayed and we still would have made the playoffs, the coaches know how to use their players effectively. Again though, even with a top 5 pick it doesn’t mean the Hawks are going to get someone stellar or who can change up the entire team chemistry and get to a superbowl ring, but anything is possible I guess. At least it’s not Charlie or Seneca back there.


    @End Zionism 1776 What do you think I meant by better O-line? I meant a line that can communicate with their quarterback better. At least you guys finally released that HB that fumbled 5 times in the first few games of the season. Yet everyone put it on Russ. Can’t help a quarterback grow with terrible play calling and an organization that really thought they were just missing a quarterback, it’s a bigger mess than that. Broncos probably won’t go to another superbowl in 10 years tbh, maybe 20 years.


    @Miguel we’re most definitely gonna grab a dlineman or someone from defense, yes very true it’s not definitive that a pick changes things but that being said, having a 1st rounder with a team that looks like it needs a few more pieces a 1st does help, even tho Jamal Adams is injury prone he’s still a great safety and we haven’t had him all year, we have cap space, we have a top 5 offense there’s a lot of upside for the future.


    @End Zionism 1776 I don’t foresee a championship in the broncos near future, no matter what quarterback they have. The NFL is like the WWE, it’s all about entertainment. Nobody needs to look hard to know it’s scripted. But if you do, the research is there. Have fun


    @End Zionism 1776 Also that’s not a good comparison either, every year a team’s chemistry is different even if some of the main players stay. Regardless, it’s good entertainment, and I’ll be looking forward to the superbowl commercials from my couch 🛋️.

Sweet rollin

Have you ever not known how to act when no one likes you or it feels that way to you? It feels awkward. I think he chooses to be positive. It’s that or be embarrassed or feel negative or scared and that doesn’t help. Yeah I’m frustrated and angry but I’m getting to accepting that I’m not Russell and I’m not the Broncos. I wish them the best! Go Broncos!

Adrian Bernal

The way the reporters brush the cleats off was funny lol

    D F

    My cause my cleats he tried to use that as a distraction smh

Yousir Cantknow

“I am excited for the paychecks ahead.” — *Russell Wilson*

    Jewish Kabbalah Dave


    Francis Albert

    $3.2m per game to be exact

    Coco Adventure

    haha why not lol. Thanks Russ for top draft pick next season. Go Hawks!

    Wardell M.

    @Francis Albert omg that is so much money

    Tory Utz

    You’ve got that right

Huan Wei Li

Wilson is an mvp QB.
Trade him to the Vikings.
Everyone will see the greatest of all time mvp wilson.


After January 8th, the Broncos will be 3-14….Russ is super excited though! 😅

    2Near Alki

    That might get then the number 1 draft pick…oh, wait. Never mind. 😂
    Go Hawks!


The reporters went straight for it after the shoe intro. Nice work

    B Haebe

    And let’s not forget he’s a shill for a mattress company.


Seeing Russ in his uncharted current state is quite fascinating.


OMG. Is Russell that clueless? Yes he is.


Bra be capping so much lmfao😂😂😂

Shane Hannah

Keep your head up Russ.

    2Near Alki

    I’d suggest, keep your friends close and your enemies closer Rus


So finally, Russ is giving credit to other players and maybe even kissing up a little. About time.

Kevin Chandler

Hes right he never runs from anything. Not even the pass rushers.


Yes Russ we get it YOU’VE had highs and lows but as a broncos fan we’ve only had lows for 6+ years and hit rock bottom with you

Gary Clifford

Russ is like the AFTV Ty of NFL

No Fear86

Will The real Russ Wilson please stand up.

Red Ace

Breaks my heart to see Russ like this as a hawk fan. So many crazy moments, hopefully next season goes better for the broncos but for now thank you Russ. I forgive you for throwing The Pick because of the top five pick


    The broncos will 100% will do better because javonte, Tim Patrick and some pieces of the defense will be back and MAYBE squeez a wild card spot

Colby F.

As a Hawks fan..this sh*t is equally hilarious and heartbreaking. Watching my former favorite player ever fall from grace like this. I want to feel bad for him…he just makes it so damn hard. Definitely feel bad for broncos fans tho

    Braedon Masset

    We are in the exact same boat 😂 I love the outcome so much but starting to feel bad for him

    Velocity Vizslas


    John-Paul C

    I think i might be more inclined to slightly pull for him next year – this year his failure is our gain in draft picks.

Michael Crabtree

Tell the defense watch out for Devin duvernay, DeMarcus Robinson and Mark Andrews on the Baltimore Ravens…gotta play man to man closely …don’t give them too much space..cause they will take advantage. Let’s not give the Baltimore Ravens their division title.

I.M. Askance

I’m so glad Russell is in Denver and not Seattle. It drove me nuts to see him smiling after losing a game.

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