Russell Wilson: ‘At the end of the day, we put on the pads and cleats to win’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jeffrey Wingham

Could have fooled me.

Andrew A

please don’t lose to the colts

    Shinobi Drip

    Tht offense has been the worst in the league. Even worse than the Broncos, with this defense i have full confidence that we will beat them.

    Professional Dirt Mover

    Hopefully the defense can stop the run if Jonathan Taylor isnโ€™t playing. They havenโ€™t been good against back up running backs either. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ


Letโ€™s ride

Six 1/6

Stay in it bronco country
Don’t give up on this team

Shinobi Drip

Melvin needs to worry about holding onto the ball more than grinding out 1 extra yard.

Shaan K

You guys have to run the table until your bye week. Please don’ t though. Give seattle a high draft pick!

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